| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
(3) Adjust the output level of the signal
and record the output (in dB) with reverence to 0 dB for
the voltmeter reading in step (1). The output level shall
generator until the voltmeter reads 0.1 volt rms at
AUDIO OUT jack (J7)
not increase more than 3 dB above the reference in step
(1), nor decrease more than 4 dB below that reference
(4) Place the AGC switch to ON and set AGC
at 497.0 and 499.7 kHz.
ADJUST control for a voltmeter reading of 0.05 volt rms
6-12. Signal Data Translator CV-1377A/PRC-47
at AUDIO OUT jack (J7).
(5) Connect the distortion analyzer to AUDIO
(fig. 7-11)
OUT jack (J7) and observe that the harmonic distortion
a. Test Equipment and Material.
does not exceed 5 %.
(1) Gauge, overtravel 0.041-in. (fig. 6-2)
(6) Repeat steps (2) through (4) except adjust
(2) Gauge, plug (depth) (fig. 6-1)
Repeat with signal generator output frequency set to
(3) Gauge, thickness 0.0.02 to 0.020-in.
499.7 kHz. The harmonic distortion observed shall not
(FSN 5210-031- 1504)
exceed 5 % at either frequency.
(4) Frequency Counter AN/URM-78/U
(7) Disconnect the distortion analyzer and
(5) Multimeter ME-26A/U
connect the oscilloscope at AUDIO OUT jack (J7).
(6) Oscilloscope AN/USM-50
(8) Increase the output of the signal generator
(7) Power Supply (24 volts dc) Harrison
to 0.05 volt rms and vary the signal generator output
6202B (2 required)
frequency between 497 and 500 kHz.
(8) Power Supply 1110 volts dc), Harrison
(9) There shall be no spikes or ripple on the
6207 B.
audio signal and no sudden increase in output level
(9) Receiver R-1433/UR 6-6).
indicated on the oscilloscope trace.
(10) Signal Generator SG-103/URM-25F.
f. Selectivity, Receive.
(11) Test Fixture for CV-1377A/PRC-47 (fig.
(1) Place the AGC and ALC BIAS switches to
(12) Test Fixture, indexing (fig. 6-7).
OFF and the XMIT-RCVR switch to RCVR. Verify that
the voltmeter is connected to AUDIO OUT jack (J7)
(13) Voltmeter ME-30A/U.
(2) Verify that the signal generator output
b. Test Conditions and Equipment Connections
frequency is set to 498.3 kHz and that the voltmeter
reads 0.1 volt rms.
(3) Move the voltmeter to RCVR IN jack (J6)
supplies to the test fixture, set their
and increase the signal generator output level by 60 dB.
output voltages to 14.0 2.0 volts,
Return the voltmeter to AUDIO OUT jack (J7) and vary
26.5 2.0 volts, and -110 5 volts dc
the signal generator output frequency below 498.3 kHz
respectively. Then return the power
until the voltmeter again reads 0.1 volt rms. Record the
on-off switches to the off position
signal generator frequency.
until instructed to apply primary
(4) Adjust the signal generator output
power to them.
frequency above 498.3 kHz until the voltmeter again
(1) connect the test instruments to the test
reads 0.1 volt rms. Record the signal generator output
fixture as shown in figure 6-13. (The connections for the
The difference between the frequency
remaining test equipment are detailed in the appropriate
obtained in step (4) and the frequency obtained in step
procedural step below.)
(3) shall not be greater than 6.0 kHz.
(2) Before placing the CV-1377A/PRC-47 into
g. Frequency Response, Receive.
the test fixture, remove the top and bottom covers from
(1) Reduce the signal generator output and
the module.
Perform the mechanical alignment
reset the output frequency to 498.3 kHz. Adjust the
procedures (step c ) it the slug rack or its associated
output level of the signal generator until the volmeter
inductors have been replaced.
reads 0.1 volt rms.
(3) Place all switches on the test fixture to
(2) Adjust the signal generator to 497.0 kHz
OFF and all of the controls to zero.
and record the output (in dB) with reference to 0 dB for
(4) Apply power to all test equipment and turn
the voltmeter reading in step (1).
on each of them. Place the test fixture POWER ON-
(3) Adjust the signal generator to 499.7 kHz
OFF switch to ON and reset the output of the power
supplies to 19.0 1.0 volts dc at connector J 1-3, 26.5
1.5 volts dc at connector J 1-4, and -110 3.5 volts dc
at connector J5-E.
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