| TM 11-5820-509-35
placing SIDETONE GATE ADJUST control to OFF.
Move the audio oscillator and frequency counter to
If the VOX ON lamp fails to light,
RCVR AUDIO IN jacks (J8 and J14). Slowly increase
adjust R40 (and R27, in extreme
the level of the 1700 Hz tone until clipping is noted on
cases) until it lights.
the oscilloscope display.
(4) Return the KEY switch to OFF and place
(2) Measure the level at RCVR AUDIO OUT
jacks (J7 and J13), using the output meter. The reading
g. Harmonic Distortion and Frequency Response,
must not be less than 1 watt in 300 ohms (18 volts rms).
Transmit Mode.
(3) Measure the voltage at +AGC jack (J10)
(1) Move the audio oscillator and frequency
with the multimeter. The reading must not be less than
counter to MIKE AMPL IN jacks (J5 and J11) and adjust
+14.0 volts dc.
the oscillator output frequency to 1700 Hz.
(4) Measure the voltage at -AGC jack (J9)
(2) Place the PTT switch to ON and observe
with the multimeter.
The reading must be more
the waveform at MIKE AMPL OUT jacks (J6 and J12)
negative than -5.5 volts dc.
with the oscilloscope. Increase the level of the audio
e. Frequency Response and Distorsion, Receive
oscillator output until clipping occurs on the waveform.
Reduce the output of the audio oscillator until the
(1) Connect the distortion analyzer to RCVR
clipping disappears.
AUDIO OUT jacks (J7 and J13) together with the output
(3) The voltage measured at MIKE AMPL IN
jacks (J5 and J11) must not exceed 0.015 volt rms.
(2) Set the audio oscillator output frequency
(4) Maintain the level measured in step (3),
to 300 Hz and adjust the level at RCVR AUDIO IN jacks
and record the frequency response and harmonic
(J8 and J14) to 0.1 volt rms.
distortion at 300, 1000, 1700 and 3000 Hz.
(3) Record the audio output (in dB) and the
(5) The frequency response shall not vary
harmonic distortion (in %) that are present at RCVR
more than 2.5 dB from the value recorded at 1700 Hz.
AUDIO OUT jacks (J7 and J13). Record the +AGC
(6) The harmonic distortion shall not exceed
voltage at J10 and the -AGC voltage at J9.
5 % at any frequency.
(4) Repeat steps (2) and (3) with the oscillator
h. Frequency Response at Nominal Output,
output frequency set to 1000 1700 and 3000 Hz.
Transmit Mode.
(1) Connect the audio oscillator and
Be sure that the audio level at RCVR
frequency counter to MIKE AMPL IN jacks (J5 and J11)
AUDIO IN jacks (38 and J14) are
and adjust the output level to 0.1 volt rms at 1700 Hz.
maintained at 0.1 volt when the test
(2) Maintain this output level and measure
frequency is adjusted.
the frequency response at 300, 1000, 1700, and 3000
(5) The frequency response shall not vary
more than 3 dB from She value recorded at 1700 Hz.
(3) The frequency response shall not vary
(6) The harmonic distortion shall not exceed
more than +2.0 dB from the value measured at 1700
8 % at any frequency.
(7) The +AGC voltage shall not be less than
i. CW Oscillator Operation Test.
+7.0 volts dc at any frequency.
(1) Disconnect the audio oscillator from the
(8) The -AGC voltage must be more negative
test fixture.
Connect the oscilloscope, frequency
than -3.0 volts dc at any frequency.
counter, and loudspeaker (or headset) to MIKE AMPL
f. AVC Signal Gate Operation, Receive Mode.
OUT jacks (J6 and J12). Place the PTT switch to OFF.
(2) Place the KEY switch on the test fixture to
control to obtain 7.0 + 0.1 volts at SIDETONE GATE
ON and record the voltage at MIKE AMPL OUT jacks
TEST jack (J3).
(J6 and J12). The output voltage shall not be less than
(2) Connect the audio oscillator and
3.5 volts peak-to-peak.
frequency counter to RCVR AUDIO IN jacks (J8 and
(3) Record the output frequency at jacks J6
J14), and adjust the output level to 0.1 volt at 1700 Hz.
(3) Note that the voltage at +AGC jack
(J10) decreases to not more than 0.5 volts dc and the
VOX ON lamp (DS2) lights when the KEY switch is
placed ON.
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