| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
back of XMTR OUTPUT meter compartment by
removing 4-40 x 1/4 flat head screws (34) and (47).
Items most subject to wear and
breakage include coil windings, gear
teeth, inductor rollers, roller rods,
Use extreme care when removing
sleeve bearings, inductor shafts and
inductors (36), (64), (70) and (101) to
nylon mounting blocks.
prevent damage to side contact
spring assemblies (60) and (86).
(2) Lubricate the rollers of the power amplifier
load and tune inductors only if they squeak. Place one
or two drops of Beacon #325 lubricant on each roller
(13) Carefully withdraw POWER AMPLIFIER
rod, then wipe the entire rod with a clean soft cloth.
LOAD inductor (64) from gear plate (117) being careful
Sufficient oil film will remain on the rod to adequately
not to damage sleeve bearing (84) or to lose washer
lubricate the roller.
inductor (101) as follows:
Do not over-lubricate. Malfunction of
(a) Loosen screw (102) in shaft collar
roller contacts, arcing, and damage
(103) until the collar moves freely on the inductor shaft.
to adjacent components in the power
(b) Hold the shaft collar as inductor
amplifier compartment can occur.
(101) is withdrawn from sleeve bearing (106).
(15) Remove 6-32 x 1/4 flat head screw (115),
c. Reassembly
washer (116) and associated shims and carefully
procedures are detailed in three specific areas: the
withdraw inductor (36) from gear plate (117) so that
components mounted directly to the rear of the power
sleeve bearing (37) is not damaged.
amplifier compartment (gear plate, rear contact spring
(16) Remove 6-32 x 1/4 flat head screw (110),
assemblies, side contact spring assemblies, etc.), the
washer (111) and associated shims and carefully
components associated with the four inductors (sleeve
withdraw inductor (70) from gear plate (117) so that
sleeve bearing (59) is not damaged.
reassembly of the front panel to the power amplifier load
(17) Remove side contact spring assemblies
and tune mechanism. Depending upon whether total
(60) and (86) by carefully removing 6-32 x 5/16 flat head
disassembly was necessary, some steps of the following
screws (112) and (109) respectively.
procedures may be omitted.
(18) Loosen and remove 6-32 x 5/16 flat head
(1) Attach lower rear mounting block (87) to
screws (113) and (114) and carefully withdraw upper
gear plate (117) with 6-32 x 5/16 flat head screws (107)
roller spring assembly (39) and upper rear mounting
and (108) and tighten them securely.
block (40).
(2) Attach gear plate (117) to the rear wall of
(19) Remove upper rear mounting block (40)
the power amplifier compartment with the six 632 x 1/4
from upper roller spring assembly (39) by removing 6-32
pan head screws; tighten them securely.
x 1/4 flat head screws (54) and (55).
(3) Install gear and stop assembly (62) on
(20) Remove E-ring (63) and gear and stop
stub shaft (61) and secure it in place with E-ring (63).
assembly (62) from stub shaft (61).
(4) Install lower rear roller spring assembly
(21) Remove lower roller spring assembly from
(88) on mounting block (87) with 6-32 x 1/4 flat head
mounting block (87) by loosening and removing 6-32 x
screws (80) and 81).
1/4 flat head screws (80) and (81).
(5) Install upper roller spring assembly (39)
(22) Remove gear plate (117) by loosening
on mounting block (40) with 6-32 x 1/4 flat head screws
and removing the six 6-32 x 1/4 pan head screws that
(54) and (55).
secure the gear plate to the rear wall of the power
(6) Install the spacer-contact spring assembly
amplifier compartment.
(step 5) to gear plate (117) by securing upper mounting
(23) Remove lower rear mounting block (87)
block (40) with 6-32 x 5/16 flat head screws (113) and
from year plate (117) by removing 6-32 x 5/16 flat head
screws (107) and (108).
(7) Install side contact spring assemblies /60)
b. Repair Procedures.
and (86) to gear plate (117) and secure them in place
(1) Examine all items of the disassembled
with 6-32 x 5/6 flat head screws (112) and (109)
power amplifier load and tune mechanism for damage
and excessive wear. Replace those items that are
(8) Install sleeve bearings (37), (59), (84),
and (106) in gear plate (117).
(9) Carefully insert the shaft of inductor (36)
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