| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
applied as a 150-volt dc plate and screen voltage to rf
front of RT-671/PRC-47 (or a remote control on-off
amplifiers V1 and V2 of signal data translator A3.
switch) is placed to ON. Push-to-talk relay A5K 1 in the
power supply module is operated by any one of the
d. When a 26.5-volt dc primary source is used for
following conditions provided that overtemperature
operation of the radio set, this source is connected to
cutout K103 in the power amplifier compartment has not
the POWER receptacle on the front of RT-671 /PRC-47
opened: by CW-FSK/VOICE switch S2 (when placed to
instead of the 115-volt ac power cable. The 26.5-volt
the CW-FSK position by OPR-TUNE switch S102 (when
incoming power is routed through fuse F1 and the
placed to the TUNE position); and by the handset ptt
contacts of dc power control relay K 1 to the power
switch (when it is pressed). Thermal override switch
supply circuits of the radio set. With no ac power
S3B is physically part of BATTERY TEST switch S3A,
connected, dc power control relay K1 is operated when
and it must be held fully depressed to permit operation
the POWER-LIGHTS switch (S1) on the front panel of
of the radio set after overtemperature cutout K103 has
RT-671/PRC-4? (or a remote control on-off switch) is
placed to ON. As this relay operates, the contacts in the
c. In the transmit mode, ac power control relay K2
115-volt ac circuit are opened, and the contacts
associated with the 26.5-volt circuit are closed so that
and B + relay K3 in the main chassis of the radio set,
power is applied to: the 26.5-volt dc circuits of audio
and push-to-talk relay A5K1 are all operated. The 115-
frequency amplifier A1, signal data translator A3, and
volt ac primary power is routed through the contacts of
the panel lamp circuits on the front of RT-671/PRC47;
K2 and A5K1 to the 115-volt primary winding of high-
the filter consisting of inductor L1 and capacitors C25
voltage transformer T1. This primary winding is tapped
and C26 to the normally-closed contacts of B + relay K3
for operation with the power oscillator described in
to the 24-volt dc circuits of audio frequency amplifier
A1; through the normally-closed contacts of B + relay K3
several secondary windings that provide a variety of ac
to the 24-volt dc circuits of signal data translator A3; and
and dc outputs during transmitter operation. A 6.3-volt
to voltage regulator Q1 through Q3. The push-to-talk
ac winding provides heater power for the power
relay in the power supply is armed so that it may be
amplifier stage and for the rf amplifiers and the driver in
operated by selection of the transmit mode, and
signal data translator A3. An additional secondary
regulated dc is routed from the output of the voltage
winding is provided for each of the four rectifier-filter
regulator to the 20-volt circuits of the radio set and
circuits that supply dc potentials to other parts of the
through the contacts of B + relay K3 to the circuits of
Rectifier CR1 through CR4 and its
amplifier-modulator A2 and signal data translator A3
associated filter and bias adjusting network provide-110
that are voice-operated.
volts dc and-32 volts dc for the grid circuits of the power
amplifier (V101) and the driver (A3V3) respectively.
e. Push-to-talk relay K1 in power supply A5 is
Each of these outputs is individually adjustable to
operated by selection of the transmit mode. (Refer to
provide optimum operation of the vacuum tube with
which it is associated. Rectifier CR6 through CR17 is a
relay K1.) In addition to a contact-pair in the 115-volt ac
fullwave bridge-type circuit employing three diodes in
circuit to high-voltage transformer T1, another contact-
each leg. The output of this rectifier is filtered by
pair is associated with the center-tap of this primary
capacitor C6 and resistors R6 and R7 to provide 1500
winding. As these contacts close, dc power is applied to
volts dc for the plate circuit of power amplifier V101.
400-Hz power oscillator Q1-Q2, and a 26.5-volt, 400-Hz
Rectifier CR18 through CR21 provides an output that is
squarewave ac is generated and applied to part of the
filtered by capacitors C19 and resistors R9 and R10 and
transformer primary winding. With this square wave
it operates the screen circuit of the power amplifier tube.
voltage applied, operation of the transformer, rectifier,
The rectified output of CR22 through CR25 is routed to
and filter circuits is identical to the description shown in
the filter circuit consisting of capacitor C20 and resistors
R11 and R12. The output of this circuit is applied to the
control relay K1 selects a tap on the 6.3volt ac filament
driver stage (V3) of signal data translator A3 and a
winding of T1 for proper output to the connected
portion of it is dropped through resistor R8 before being
vacuum tube filament circuits.
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