| TM 11 5820-509-35
than previously. The reduced conduction of Q28 causes
amplifier Q8 and the reference frequency is summed
the base of relay driver Q29 to become more positive
with the output of clippers CR9-CR15 in the adder. The
and it conducts. As Q29 conducts, relay K6 is operated
unshifted output of Q23 is also summed with the output
and a small dc voltage is applied to the dc error A and
of CR9-CR15 in the adder circuit associated with
dc error B inputs to the varicap control circuit of signal
discriminator amplifier Q11. Transistor pairs Q8-Q11,
data translator A3. Since this small voltage is used to
Q9-Q12, and Q10-Q13 are each carefully selected to
calibrate the hf oscillator initially, the frequency of this
provide identical gain in each discriminator channel.
circuit returns to a value within the capture range of the
When the hf oscillator signal from signal data translator
discriminator circuits. After capture is assured, antilock
A3 differs only slightly from the reference oscillator
relay K6 is deenergized (as the voltage again appears at
signal (by 5 kHz, or less), the envelope of the summed
the base of transistor switch Q28). The dc error
signals in these two discriminator channels will remain
voltages at the output of the discriminator regain control
out of phase by an amount dependent upon the
of the hf oscillator frequency-determining circuits and
frequency error between the two signals. The leading
adjust the output frequency accordingly.
edge of the summed signal envelope triggers frequency
discriminators Q10 and Q13 so that they operate like a
bistable multivibrator at a rate equal to the phase-
difference between the two envelopes.
The error
voltage at the output of these two transistors may be
a. When the 115-volt, 400-Hz ac primary source is
either positive or negative, depending upon whether the
used to power the radio set, the cable is attached to the
hf oscillator signal is higher or lower than the frequency
POWER receptacle on the front panel of RT-671/PRC-
of the reference oscillator signal. The amount of
47 and this voltage is routed to the radio set by fuse F2.
A portion of this input voltage is applied to low-voltage
determines the amplitude of this dc error voltage. The
transformer T2 in power supply module A5 where the
dc error voltages are applied to voltage-controlled
low-voltage circuit steps down this potential, rectifies it,
capacitors in the frequency-determining circuits of the hf
and filters it in conventional bridge-rectifier, capacitor-
oscillator in signal data translator A3. As the frequency
input LC filter circuits. The resulting 24-volt dc output is
of the hf oscillator is corrected, the error frequency at
routed to audio frequency amplifier A1 and passes
the input to the discriminator is reduced and the
through the normally-closed contacts of B + relay K3 to
resulting dc error voltage at the output of this circuit
the signal data translator. A conventional series-type
again approaches zero Coarse frequency control of the
electronic voltage regulator, consisting of transistors Q1
hf oscillator is obtained by the adjustment of the
through Q3 and their associated circuits, is used to
frequency control knobs on the front panel of RT-
provide a regulated 20 volts dc output. This potential is
671/PRC-47. The 2 5- to 12.499-MHz hf oscillator
applied to the continuously energized circuits of the
signal is isolated and amplified by buffer amplifier Q21
receiver-transmitter, and to the voice-operated circuits
before being routed to follower Q2 and the subsequent
of amplifier-modulator A2 and signal data translator A3.
circuits. Amplifiers Q6-Q7 and associated follower Q8
An output from low-voltage rectifier CR26 through CR29
provide hf oscillator signals to the receiver-transmitter
provides 26.5 volts dc [unregulated and unfiltered) for
circuits; while amplifiers Q3-Q4 and associated follower
circuits in audio frequency amplifier A I, signal data
Q5 provide the injection signal for diode quad mixer
translator A3, and the panel lamps on the front of
CR11 in oscillator control A7.
RT671/PRC-47. A branch of this same circuit arms the
d. In some instances, transients may cause the
push-to-talk relay (A5K1) in the power supply module.
discriminator circuits of oscillator control A7 to lose
b. A portion of the incoming 115-volt primary
capture of the hf oscillator in signal data translator A3.
power is applied to step-down transformer T2, is
The automatic capture circuit consists of detector CR12-
rectified by bridge-rectifier CR3 through CR6, and
CR13, transistor switch Q28, and relay driver Q29 in
applied to ac power control relay K2. The contacts of
association wi th antilock relay K6 on the main chassis
this relay route the primary power to high-voltage
of RT671/PRC-47. As the loss of capture occurs, the
transformer T1 in power supply A5 whenever POWER-
voltage drop across emitter resistor R142 decreases; the
LIGHTS switch S1 on the
base of transistor switch Q28 becomes less positive,
and 28 conducts less
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