| ![]() TM 11-5820-509-35
oscillator is coarse-tuned in ten 1-MHz stems by the
receive rf from the antenna system passes through the
whole megahertz control knob on the front panel of
t/r relay directly to the rf amplifier stages. Tuned circuits
RT671/PRC-47. Fine tuning is accomplished by varying
in these stages reject unwanted signals that may enter
the vfo output inductor with the 10-kHz and the 100-kHz
the antenna system, and select only the desired band of
frequency control knobs, or by the application of a dc
signals for amplification before routing them to the
error voltage to the frequency determining circuits by
receiver mixer. In the receiver mixer, the rf signal is
the discriminator of Oscillator Control C-4311/PRC-47
heterodyned with the 2.5 to 12.499-MHz hf oscillator
This discriminator is part of a closed-loop
signal to produce an intermediate frequency output near
frequency control system that compares the vfo output
500-kHz. The if. amplifier and bandpass filter circuits
with crystal-controlled reference oscillator frequencies
used for transmitting are also used in the receive mode.
and then automatically adjusts the vfo output frequency
In these circuits the incoming signal is amplified while
to synchronize it with the crystal standard frequencies.
undesired adjacent-channel and image signals are
The crystal oscillators are adjustable in four decades:
attenuated before the if. signal is applied to the product
whole megahertz step, 100-kHz steps, 10-kHz steps,
detector. The output of the product detector is the
and 1-kHz steps. The whole megahertz and 100kHz
demodulated single-sideband receive if. signal. This
signals are derived from a common highly stabilized
audio output is filtered and then amplified by the
crystal-controlled source in Radio Frequency Oscillator
receiver amplifier and audio output amplifier circuits
0-1032/PRC-47 (A6). This 3-MHz primary signal is first
before being applied to the earphone or other connected
divided by six to obtain the 500-kHz standard signal
audio output device.
used by the receiver-transmitter circuits and by the I-
MHz pulse generator in the CV-1377A/PRC-47 (A3).
c. The frequency control circuits of Radio Set
Then this 500-kHz output is further divided by five to
AN/PRC-47 are shown in figure 2-3. The hf oscillator
obtain the 100-kHz signal used in the 100kHz pulse
signal for both the transmit and receive functions is
generator circuit of oscillator control
obtained from the variable frequency oscillator (vfo) of
Signal Data Translator CV1377A/PRC-47 (A3). This
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