| ![]() TM 11-5820-498-35
2-1. General
RT-841/PRC-77. Those that are identical in both
a. The radio sets include a receiver-transmitter
receiver-transmitters have the same reference
(RT-505/PRC-25 or RT-841/PRC-77), a whip
designation (for example: dc to dc converter A10
antenna (AT-912/VRC or AS-1729/VRC), the
and speech amplifier limiter A22). Those modules
MT-1029/VRC, and OA-3633(*)/GRC. An audio
that are functionally identical but have internal
accessory, interconnecting cables, and mounting
circuit differences are identified with different
hardware to mount the radio sets in a vehicle are
reference designations. For example: squelch
provided in the installation unit (kit) applicable
relay control A24 and receiver audio amplifier
to the radio set installation (SB 11-131).
A25 in the RT-505/PRC-25 are the same, as
b. The OA-3633(*)/GRC converts the nominal
squelch relay control A54 and receiver audio am-
24-volt vehicular battery to operating voltages
plifier A55 in the RT-841/PRC-77. In this man-
(13, 2.6, and 3 volts dc) for itself and the re-
ual those functionally similar modules are identi-
ceiver-transmitter. It also has provision for lis-
fied thusly: A24/A54, A25/A55, A22/A22, etc.
tening on a loudspeaker to the signals received on
Radio and OA-3633(*)/GRC, Circuit
the receiver-transmitter, and for matching the
Functioning Without Crewmember Con-
output of the receiver-transmitter to the whip an-
tenna matching network.
trol Boxes
c. The radio sets are also capable of operating
When the radio configuration does not include
with a vehicular radio-intercommunication (inter-
c r e w m e m b e r control boxes, t h e radio and
com system. The intercom system includes a cen-
OA-3633/(*)GRC circuit functioning are given in
tral audio and power control (Amplifier, Audio
Frequency AM-1780/VRC), and crewmember
in radio standby mode; that is, neither transmit-
control boxes (Controls, Intercommunication Set
ting or receiving a radio signal.
C-2296/VRC (located on the rear outside the ve-
a. Circuit Setup. For this radio configuration,
hicle), C-2297/VRC (for vehicle driver), and
the following conditions are required:
C-2298/VRC (for other crewmembers)). The ra-
(1) The link in the MT-1029/VRC must be
dio-intercome boxes, interconnecting cables,
set for local control of the dc power to the equip-
mounting hardware, and audio accessories re-
quired for the radio set with an intercom system
(2) On the AM-2060(*)/GRC, the POWER
are provided in the installation kit applicable to
circuit breaker switch is set to ON, and the ANT.
the vehicle in which the equipment is used (SB
FREQ. CONTROL switch is set to a position that
11-131). The crewmembers can talk either on the
includes the frequency at which the receiver-
intercom system or over the receiver-transmitter
transmitter is tuned. The SPKR switch is set to
in the radio set.
d. The internal circuit functioning of the re-
(3) On the receiver-transmitter, the func-
tion switch S1 is set to ON, and the frequency
RT-1029/VRC as well as the intercom system
selector switches MC and KC (not shown in fig.
control boxes is provided in the manual asso-
ciated with the particular equipment. Refer to
An audio accessory (such as the H-189/GR,
H-161/U, or equal) is connected to one of the re-
ceiver-transmitter AUDIO receptacles FL1 or
e. The module circuits in the RT-505/PRC-25
a r e functionally the same as those in the
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