| ![]() TM 11-5820-401-35-1/ NAVELEX 0967-432-3020
(d) On the RT-246(*)/VRC, set controls
2-5. Test Box Fabrication
as follows:
1. Set the POWER switch to LOW and the
Refer to paragraph 2-4b(2) for material required
BAND switch to AUTO.
to fabricate the test box.
2. Set the pushbutton switches to 10 dif-
ferent frequencies using the instruction on the
a. Locate the cable connectors, indicator lamp
cover of the pushbutton switches. Select 10 f re-
assemblies, and toggle switch approximately as
quencies within 5 megacycles of each other; select
shown in figure 25. Use the items as templates
five near the top of A band and five near the
for the required holes. Stencil the panel markings
bottom of B band. Recheck the response of each
as shown in figure 25 and coat the stenciling
pushbutton and readjust the tuning mechanism
with clear acrylic lacquer or clear varnish.
as necessary.
3. Set the RT-246(*)/VRC POWER
The adapter cable assembly is not required to test
switch to REMOTE.
the C-2742/VRC or C-2299/VRC.
(e) Set the C-2742/VRC PWR switch to
OFF. The RT246(*)/VRC should be turned off.
(f) Proceed to b below to troubleshoot and
test the performance of the C-2742/VRC.
Troubleshooting the C-2742/VRC is performed
box will be used to troubleshoot the C-2742/VRC,
by checking its functions and replacing the parts
proceed as follows:
that impair its performance.
(a) Connect the test box to the receiver-
a. Test Setup. Connect the C-2742/VRC either
transmitter and J71 of C-2742/VRC as shown
to the RT-216 (*)VRC ((1) below) or to the
in figure 25. The required items are listed in
test box ((2) below).
dummy antenna is not required.
the RT-246(*)/VRC will be used to troubleshoot
(b) Turn on and adjust the output of the
the C-2742/VRC, proceed as follows:
power supply to 25.5 volts.
(a) Connect the C-2742/VRC to the RT-
(c) On the receiver-transmitter, set the
246 (*)/VRC as shown in figure 21. The second
POWER switch to LOW (to apply power to the
C-2742/VRC is not required. The required items
test box; the receiver-transmitter performs no
are listed in paragraph 2-4b(1).
other function in the test setup).
(b) Turn on the dc power suppIy and ad-
(d) Set the C-2742/VRC PWR switch to
just its output to 25.5 volts.
(c) Set the C-2742/VRC PWR switch to
(e) Proceed to c below to troubleshoot and
test the performance of the C-2742/VRC.
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