| ![]() TM 11-5820401-35-1/NAVELEX 0967-432-3020
to Publications) and forwarded direct to Com-
1-1. Scope
mander, US Army Electronics Command, ATTN:
a. This manual covers direct support (DS),
AMSELMA-CR, Fort Monmouth, N.J. 07703.
general support (GS), and depot maintenance
of Control, Frequency Selector C2742/VRC (fig.
14. Official Nomenclature and Common
1-1) (ch. 2) and Control, Radio Set C-2299/VRC
trols are provided in appendixes B and C.
a. Official Nomenclature. Official nomenclature
followed by (*) indicates all models of the equip-
b. Operation, operator, and organizational
m e n t ; thus-
maintenance, and organizational repair parts are
provided in TM 11-582040112.
(1) Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-246-
(*)/VRC represents RT-246/VRC and RT-246A/
Department of the Army forms and procedures
(2) Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-524-
used for equipment maintenance will be those pre-
V R C represents RT-524/VRC and RT-524A/
scribed in TM 38750.
(3) Receiver, Radio R-442(*)/VRC repre-
sents R-442/VRC and R-442A/VRC.
The reporting of errors, omissions, and recom-
b. Common Names. The following common
mendations for improving this publication by the
names are used to represent the indicated equip-
individual user is encouraged. Reports should be
made on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
Common name
TM 11-5820-401-12
Radio Sets AN/VRC-12 and AN/VRC-43 AN/VRC-12-series radios.
through AN/VRC-49.
TM 11-5820401-12
Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT246(*)/ Receiver-transmitter.
VRC or RT-524 (*)/VRC.
Microphone, Dynamic M-80/U; Headsets Audio accessories is a term used in
H-140A/U and H-251/U; Headset-Mi-
this manual to apply to these and
crophone H-1 161/U; Loudspeaker LS-
similar devices.
454/U; and CVC helmet.
Combat Vehicle Crewman Helmet T566 CVC helmet.
w i t h Headset-Microphone Kit MK-
1039/U as the audio accessory installed
in it.
have been set up in the RT246 (*)/VRC. It can
also turn off the power to the RT246 (*)/VRC
a. Control, Frequency Selector C-2742/VRC
and turn it on again to control the radio frequency
(RF) output power (high and low) of the RT-
246(*)/VRC (fig. 21) to provide remote auto-
b. Control, Radio Set C-2299/VRC (fig. 1-2).
matic selection of the 10 present frequencies that
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