| ![]() c. Faulty Part Isolation.
(1) Measure the voltages at the points
listed in the charts in (a) and (b)
below. Compare them with the nor-
mal signal and dc voltages listed.
Note: Make all voltages to ground.
(a) Signal voltage chart.
(b) DC voltage chart.
(2) After replacing a faulty part, re-
Figure 75. Module A 23, parts location.
peat b above.
b. Performance Test.
(1) Disconnect the ME-30A/U from the
TS-382F/U and connect it between
pins 1 and 2 of A24J1.
a. Preparation.
(2) Adjust the TS-382F/U for a 10-
(1) Prepare the following equipment:
millivolt indication on the ME-
(3) Connect the ME-26B/U between
(b) Voltmeter, Meter ME-30A/U.
contact 7 of squelch relay K3 and
(c) Multimeter ME-26B/U.
(2) Connect the TS-382F/U between
ground. The ME-26B/U indication
should be infinity.
A25J3 and ground.
(4) Slowly increase the TS-382F/U
(3) Connect the ME-30A/U across the
level until the ME -26 B/U indicates
TS-382F/U output.
(4) Set the TS-382F/U frequency to
O ohms.
150 cps and the level to 20 milli-
(5) The ME-30A/U indication should
volts, as indicated by the ME-
be 20 millivolts 5.
(6) If the indication obtained in (5)
(5) Set the ME-26B/U to indicate ohms
above exceeds the limits, adjust the
(R x 1K.
TS-382F/U level to obtain a 20-
(6) Remove module A21.
millivolt indication on the ME-
(7) Set the front panel controls of the
30A/U. Adjust R15 until the ME-
26 B/U indicates 0 ohms.
receiver-transmitter as follows:
(a) BAND switch at 30-52.
(7) Increase the TS-382F/U level to
(b) Tuning knobs for 30.00 mc.
obtain a 50-millivolt indication on
(c) Function switch at RETRANS.
the ME-30A/U.
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