| ![]() control chassis A27 terminal strip.
Replace 11.5-mc filter FL3 and
and Control Chassis A27
solder the connections.
Replace receiver discriminator Z1
a. Removal.
and solder the connections.
(1) Remove modules A21 through A25
Replace relay K3 into socket XK3.
as described in TM 11-5820-398-
Replace modules A21 through A25
20, paragraph 10a.
as described in TM 11-5820-398-
(2) Remove relay K3.
20, paragraph 10b.
(3) Unsolder and remove 11.5-mc fil-
Secure audio and control chassis
ter FL3.
A27 with the three audio and con-
(4) Unsolder and remove receiver dis-
trol chassis captive screws.
criminator Z1.
(5) Tag and unsolder all wiring to relay
socket XK3 and audio and control
Mother Board A26
chassis A27 terminal strip.
(6) Rem o v e the wiring through the
grommet at the lower left corner of
a. Removal.
the audio and control chassis.
(1) Remove modules A10 through A20
(7) Using a hacksaw, cut off one end of
as described in TM 11-5820-398-
the metal dowel protruding from
20, paragraph 10c.
the audio and control chassis A27
(2) Remove the 10 module nuts and
(8) Grasp the other end of the metal
(3) Loosen the four mother board cap-
dowel with pliers and remove the
tive fasteners.
metal dowel from the hinge.
(4) Gently pull the mother board away
(9) Release the three audio and control
from the chassis.
chassis captive screws and separ-
(5) Tag and unsolder all wiring to the
ate audio and control chassis A27
mother board.
from the RT-505/PRC-25.
b. Replacement.
(1) Solder all electrical leads to the
b. Replacement.
mother board.
(1) Align the hinge on audio and control
(2) Align the four mother board captive
chassis A27 with the hinge on RT-
fasteners with the holes in the
(2) Insert a new metal dowel and push
(3) Secure the mother board captive
downward until the dowel extends
through the entire hinge.
(3) Crimp the metal dowel at both ends.
(4) Replace and tighten the 10 module
(4) Insert the wiring through the grom-
nuts and bushings.
met at the lower left corner of the
(5) Replace modules AlO through A20
audio and control chassis A27 (fig.
as described in TM 11-5820-398-
20, paragraph 10d.
leads to XK3 and to the audio and
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