| ![]() bility of the sso approximately 40 times
f. The receiver audio amplifier output,
including the 150-cps tone, is applied to
relative to its free-running state.
the squelch input amplifier. The squelch
c. The frequency-modulated (fm) output
input amplifier with the emitter -follower
of the sso is coupled through the sso
and squelch feedback amplifier passes
buffer amplifier to the transmitter mixer.
The sso buffer prevents loading of the sso
the 150-cps tone, which is rectified in the
by the transmitter mixer. The transmitter
squelch direct current (dc) detector am-
mixer heterodynes the 11.5-mc fm signal
plifier. When the squelch relay driver
from the sso with the vfo signal to produce
receives a signal from the dc detector
amplifier, it provides the current neces-
the transmitter output frequency. The vfo
is stabilized by application of its output
sary to energize K3. When K3 is energized,
frequency through the frequency synthe-
the ground is removed from the audio
sizer buffer to the frequent y synthesizer
output amplifier to allow the audio sig-
system (fss) (para 5). The fss will correct
nal to be fed to the handset.
any vfo frequency drift.
g. In addition to the function of squelch
relay K3 described in f above, relay K3
plied to the transmitter first rf amplifier.
provides a transmitter keying function
The output of the transmitter first rf
when two AN/PRC-25's are used for re-
amplifier is applied to the transmitter
transmission. During this type of service,
second rf amplifier, which is cascaded with
t h e receiving AN/PRC-25 is set for
squelch operation. When a signal is re-
the intermediate power amplifier and the
ceived, energizing K3, a ground circuit
power amplifier. These amplifiers in-
is completed, through the interconnecting
crease the transmitted signal level to
cable, to key the transmitting AN/PRC-
the proper amplitude. The transmitter
power amplifier output is coupled through
the power amplifier tank and antenna
loading network to the antenna. During
transmission, the input to the receiver
is grounded by relay K1 which is energized
by receive-transmit relay K2. Relay K2
a. The audio signal developed in the
also energizes the dc-to-dc converter,
handset microphone is amplified in the
which supplies the operating voltages
first and second speech amplifiers, and
(B+ and bias) for the power amplifier
limited in the output limiter stage. The
output limiter stage has two outputs: it
applies the audio signals to the receiver
first audio amplifier as sidetone, and
applies the audio signal to the modulator.
The modulator also has a 150-cps tone
The frequency synthesizer system (fss)
input from the 150-cycle tone oscillator,
is a closed loop, automatic phase control
through the feedback amplifier. The mod-
(apc) system which locks the vfo on fre-
ulating voltages applied to the modulator
quency. The fss is used both during recep-
tion and during transmission. During
frequency to vary at the input audio-
transmission, the vfo output frequency is
frequency (af) rate from the microphone
shifted 50 kc lower than it is during recep-
and at the 150 -cps rate. The output from
tion. The frequencies shown on figure 84
the 150-cps tone generator is also applied
represent the fss frequencies associated
to the squelch input amplifier (para 3f).
with two typical received frequencies,
b The frequency stability of the sso is
and are used to illustrate the frequency
greatly improved by the quarter-wave net-
relationships. The two typical received
work. The quarter-wave network is a
frequencies are 33.10 mc (low band) and
crystal-controlled passive network con-
nected across the sso tuned circuit. The
68.45 mc (high band). All frequencies used
in a through i below can be converted to
quarter-wave network improves the sta-
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