1. Scope
Form 2496 (Disposition Form), or letter
a. This manual covers field and depot
may be used.)
maintenance for Radio Set AN/PRC-25. It
includes instructions appropriate to third,
2. Index of Publications
fourth, and fifth echelons for troubleshoot-
ing, testing, aligning, and repairing the
Refer to the latest issue of DA Pam 310-4
to determine whether there are new edi-
equipment. Detailed functions of the equip-
tions, Changes, or additional publications
ment are covered in the theory chapter.
pertaining to your equipment. Department
b. The complete set of technical manuals
of the Army Pamphlet No. 310-4 is a cur-
for this equipment includes TM 11-5820-
rent index of Technical Manuals, Technical
398-10, TM 11-5820-398-20, TM 11-5820-
Bulletins, Supply Bulletins, Lubrication
398-20P, and TM 11-5820-398-35P.
Orders, and Modification Work Orders
c. Forward all comments on this publi-
that are available through publications
cation direct to: Commanding Officer,
supply channels. The index lists the indi-
U. S. Army Electronics Materiel Support
vidual parts (-10, -20, -35P, etc) and the
Agency, ATTN: SELMS-MP, Fort Mon-
latest Changes to and revisions of each
mouth, New Jersey. (DA Form 1598 (Rec-
equipment publication.
ord of Comments on Publications), DA
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