| ![]() (21) Mount clutch spacer (34) and clutch
(1) Separate the front and rear plates
(35) inside of clutch drum (31).
( g above).
Mount springs (36) inside of clutch
(2) Remove coupler (1) and clamp (2);
drum (31) and place retaining ring
use a Bristo driver.
(37) on shaft assembly (29).
(3) Remove coupler (3) and clamp (4);
Lightly oil the hub of the 48-tooth
use a Bristo driver.
gear (38) and place the gear on shaft
(4) Remove four screws (5) and wash-
assembly (2) and secure with re-
ers (6) from rear of the rear plate
taining ring (39).
Lightly oil the hub of the 72-tooth
(5) Remove retaining ring (8) and gear
gear (40), place the gear on shaft
(9) from shaft on gear plate (10).
assembly (11) and secure with re-
(6) Remove retaining ring (11) and
taining ring (41).
gear (12) from gear shaft (25).
Lightly oil the hub of the 29-tooth
(7) Remove three screws (13), three
g e a r (49), place the gear and
washers (14), lug (15), two spacers
washer (50) on gear assembly post
(16), and spacer (19) from gear
on the back of the front plate (1),
plate (10).
(8) Remove spacers (17) and (18) from
and secure with retaining ring (51).
Lightly oil the hub of the 60-tooth
gear plate (10).
(9) Remove retaining ring (20) and
gear (52), place the gear and
washer (21), and remove gear as-
washer (53) on shaft (flush side of
sembly (22) from gear plate (10).
gear nearest retaining ring), and
(10) Remove washer (23) and the 36-
secure with retaining ring (54).
Lightly oil the hub of the 72-tooth
tooth gear (24) from gear shaft (25).
(11) Remove washer (29) and retaining
gear (42), place the gear on shaft
assembly (20), and secure with re-
ring (30) from shaft (27).
taining ring (43). Lightly oil the hub
(12) Remove clamp (28) and gear as-
sembly (26) from shaft (27).
of the 57-tooth gear (44) and place
the gear on shaft assembly (20).
(13) Remove. washer (31), gear shaft
Mount the clamp (45) on the gear
assembly (32), and washer (33)
from rear plate (7).
and secure with retaining ring (46).
Do not tighten clamp (45). Position
(14) Remove retaining ring (34), washer
the clamp so that the screw faces
(35), and the 96-tooth gear (36)
from rear plate (7).
the left side of the front plate (view-
ing from the front).
(15) Remove retaining ring (37), washer
(38), and the 54-tooth gear (39)
Lightly oil the hub of the 72-tooth
from rear plate (7).
gear (47) and place the gear on shaft
assembly (29), and secure with the
(16) Remove gear assembly (40) and
two retaining rings (48).
washer (41) from rear plate (7).
Place washer (55) on cam follower
(17) Remove retaining ring (44), washer
shaft. Lightly oil the hub of the cam
(45), and the gear set (46) from rear
plate (7).
arm assembly (56) and place the
(18) Remove, retaining ring (47), washer
cam arm assembly and washer (57)
on cam follower shaft, and secure
(50), and the 57-tooth gear (51)
with retaining ring (58).
from rear plate (7).
(19) Remove gear set (42) and washer
Mount washer (59) and spring (60)
on cam follower shaft, and fasten
(43) from rear plate (7).
(20) Loosen clamp (49) on rear of rear
spring (60) to the notch on the cam
arm assembly (56). Place washer
plate and remove cam (48).
(61) on shaft and secure with re-
(21) Remove coupler (53) and clamp (52)
taining ring (62).
from gear shaft (25).
(22) Remove spring (54) between the
anchor shaft (55) and the hole in
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