| ![]() and (33), and will fit over shaft as-
to the Z105 terminal (9, fig. 70).
semblies (2), (11), (20), and (29)
(13) Repeat the operations outlined in
(10) above to solder capacitors
C126 and C139 (fig. 71) to the Z106
(3) Torque meter, Collins part No.
terminal (8, fig. 70).
110 6610 00, or equivalent. This
tool can be fitted with an adapter
i. Replacement of Rf and Power Ampli-
fier Subunit. After performing the desired
shaft assembly (fig. 105), Collins
removal and replacement procedures
part number 558 1377 002, which
above, replace the rf and power amplifier
mates with coupler (62, fig. 98).
subunit in the rt unit main frame (para
(4) Gear-loading rod (fig. 106).
108 b).
(5) Lubrication materials (para 127b ).
(1) Remove three screws (1) and
washers (2) from the mounting (3).
Frequency Selector (4th Echelon)
(2) Remove three screws (1) and
a. General Instructions.
washers (2) from the drum drive
(1) The following paragraphs contain
assembly (4), and remove the scale
instructions for the complete dis-
(5) and the switch assembly (6) and
assembly and reassembly of the
spacers (7).
frequency selector. Usually, re-
(3) Remove four screws (8) and
pair of the frequency selector re-
washers (9).
quires the repair or replacement
(4) Use a Bristo screwdriver to loosen
of only a single part or assembly,
the two setscrews on the hub (10).
and complete disassembly is not
Move the gear shaft to disengage
required. When the fault is located
the shaft of the drum drive assem-
and corrected, go directly to the
bly (4) .
corresponding reassembly in-
(5) Loosen the clamp (11) and remove
instructions and proceed to re-
the drum drive assembly (4) from
assemble the subunit.
the bearing on the front plate (13).
(2) The frequency selector cabling can
(6) Remove gear (12), clamp (11), and
hub (10).
be removed intact and the subunit
(7) Slide the mounting (3) off the end of
can be disassembled without un-
the shaft of the drum drive assem-
soldering or disconnecting any
bly (4) .
wires. When wires are discon-
(8) Loosen and remove nut (14) with a
nected for parts repair or replace-
socket wrench and slide hub (15),
ment, tag each wire for identifica-
memory drum (16), and dial hub
tion. Before removing a wired part,
(17) off the shaft of the drum drive
make a sketch of the wiring to aid
assembly (4).
in rewiring the replacement part.
Tag and remove as many wires as
(1) Place a thin coating of low-temper-
as possible from the switch wafers
ature oil (para 127b) on the bronze
before removing the switch.
bearings on the drum drive assem-
b. Special Tools and Materials Required.
bly (4) and the rear plate.
The special tools and materials required
(2) Slide the flatted shaft of the drum
for disassembly and reassembly of the fre-
drive assembly (4) through hole E
quency selector are listed below.
in the front plate (13).
(1) Waldes Truarc pliers, No. 212,
(3) Assemble clamp (11) on gear (12)
or equivalent.
(2) Torque meter, Torqometer TQ-
and mount on the flatted shaft of
12A, Snap-On Tool Corp., or equi-
drum drive assembly (4). Rotate
valent. This tool requires an ex-
the shaft until it engages the rotors
tension (fig. 104) that will fit
of wafer switches S1206 (85) and
hexagonal-head nuts (6), (15), (24),
S1205 (83). Position the rotors so
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