Note. Troubleshooting in this chapter is performed at 3rd echelon unless otherwise noted.
C-1439/U, AN/TRC-68 case, power sup-
92. General
ply, and interconnecting cables. Spare
The field and depot maintenance proce-
subunits (when available) may be substi-
dures in this manual supplement the pro-
tuted for subunits which are suspected of
cedures described in the organizational
having defects.
maintenance manual. The systematic trou-
(1) Visual inspection. The purpose of
bleshooting procedure, which begins with
visual inspection is to locate faults
the operational and sectionalization checks
without testing or measuring cir-
that can be performed at an organizational
cuits. All meter readings, or other
level, is carried to a higher level in this
visual signs, such as broken or
portion of the manual. Section II of this
burned-out electron tubes, plugs,
chapter provides information for trouble-
relays, resistors, or capacitors
shooting when the radio set is used for
should be observed and an attempt
retransmission purposes or with the
made to sectionalize the fault to a
broadband equipment. Section III provides
particular subunit or to the main
information for troubleshooting the rt unit
and the radio set control.
(2) Operational tests. Operational
tests frequently indicate the gen-
eral location of trouble. In many
instances, the tests will help in
a. General. The first step in servicing
determining the exact nature of
a defective radio set is to sectionalize the
the fault. Use the equipment per-
fault. Sectionalization means tracing the
formance checklist (TM 11-5820-
fault to a subunit, the main frame, or the
222-20). Additional opera-
radio set control. The second step is to
tional tests are given in paragraphs
localize the fault. Localization means
tracing the fault to a stage or area within
c. Localization. The tests listed below
a subunit or the main frame. The third
will aid in localizing the trouble. Use
step is to isolate the trouble to the defec-
the following methods for localizing trou-
tive part or parts. Some faults, such as
burned-out resistors, arcing, cold solder
(1) Troubleshooting charts. The trou-
joints, unsoldered joints, broken wires,
ble symptoms listed in the charts
and shorted transformers can often be lo-
cated by sight, smell, and hearing. The
sectionalizing and localizing trou-
majority of faults must be isolated by
ble to a subunit, the main frame,
checking voltages and resistances.
interconnecting cables, or Radio
b. Sectionalization. Listed below is a
Set Control C-1439/U.
group of tests arranged to aid in trouble-
(2) Sensitivity checks. The sensitivity
shooting a defective radio set. Radio Set
checks given in paragraph 103 en-
AN/VRC-24 consists of the rt unit, RT-
able the repairman to localize a
323/VRC-24 case, Radio Set Control C-
trouble quickly to a stage. A signal
1439/U, Mounting MT-1436/U, and inter-
generator, audio oscillator, and
connecting cables. Radio Set AN/TRC-68
oscilloscope are used in signal
consists of the rt unit, Radio Set Control
substitution procedures
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