| ![]() 0.l-mc automatic positioner re-
position. While the frequency se-
lays K1201, K1202, and K1203.
lector is running, K601 cannot be
(2) Contacts 3 and 4 of K1204 close.
operated from any position because
relay K1204 (fig. 27) supplies +26.4
This action applies +26.4 volts dc to
volts dc to energize relay K1. Work
tuning motor B1201. The pawl lifts
from the detent wheel associated
relay K1 energizes and opens con-
with B1201, permitting it to run.
tacts 6 and 7 of K1, thereby inter-
rupting the ground return for relay
(3) Motor B1201 drives the channel in-
K601. Relay K1 prevents trans-
dicator wheel, the preset channel
mission whi1e the rt unit is
memory drum, and the local and
channeling from one frequency to
remote switches S1205 and S1206.
Although motor B1201 is physically
(3) When relay K601 operates, con-
connected to the 10-mc, 1.0-mc,
and 0.l-mc detent wheels through a
tacts 5-15 and 3-13 of relay K601
slip-clutch arrangement, these
close. Contacts 5-15 complete the
wheels do not turn at this time be-
26.4 volts dc circuit to relay K602,
cause they are locked by pawls that
antenna relay K101, injection relay
slip into the detent wheels when-
K102, tr relay K401, tr relay K802,
ever the associated relay is deen-
and high-voltage relay K2, Con-
tacts 3 and 13 of K601 ground the
(4) Local-seeking switch S1205,
if. avc bus.
ganged to the preset channel mem-
(4) When NOR-BB switch S801 is in the
ory drum, turns until the rotor
BB position and the tr relays are
finds the one position that opens the
energized, contacts 3 and 5 of relay
ground path to terminal 2 of relay
K602 close and supply an encoder
K1204. When S1205 reaches this
keying ground to the broadband en-
position, relay K1204 denergizes
coder from contacts 4 and 5 of NOR-
and drops the pawl into the detent
BB switch S801A.
wheel which prevents further rota-
tion of the preset channel memory
drum and the local- and remote-
seeking switches S1205, and S1206.
a. Channel Selection Function. Any one
(5) When relay K1204 deenergizes,
of 19 preset channels can be selected from
contacts 3 and 5 of K1204 close and
the front panel of the rt unit by turning
and the +26.4 volts dc supply is
CHAN SEL selector switch S705 to the de-
removed from tuning motor B1201
sired channel. When the CHAN SEL switch
and applied to the coils of the
is turned, terminal 2 of channel selector
10.0-mc, 1.0-mc and 0.1-mc re-
automatic position relay K1204 is
lays K1201, K1202, and K1203.
grounded through contacts 1 and 2 of S705C,
b. Operation of 10-Mc Automatic Posi-
local-seeking switch S1205, and switch
S705B. (In figure 27, local-seeking switch
for channel 19 is 376.3 mc. The left pin
S1205 is shown in the position to which it
(first pin counting from the left (TM 11-
will be advanced after the channel selec-
5820-222-10) of the preset channel mem-
tion sequence ( b below) is completed. Just
ory drum selects the first digit of the
before switch S1205 was advanced to this
preset channel frequency. This pin opens
position, the ground return path for K1204
one of the two normally closed contacts
was through contacts 8 and 5 of S1205 front,
of switch S1210A. The left-center pin (sec-
ond pin from the left) of the preset channel
and 5 and 7 of S705B). When relay K1204 is
energized, the following sequence occurs:
memory drum selects the second digit of
the preset channel frequency. This pin
(1) Contacts 3 and 5 of K1204 open.
opens one of the 10 normally closed con-
This action removes the 26.4 volts
tacts of switch S1210B. These two switches
dc supply from 10.0-, 1.0-, and
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