| ![]() b. When switch S704 is placed in the PA
the meter will indicate nearly equal on
Ig position, resistor R109 shunts the meter
both PWR and SWR positions. In this way,
through the following terminals and switch
the PWR and SWR meter positions pro-
vide a convenient means of determining the
(1) Terminal C of P101 and J1.
degree of match or mismatch presented
(2) Terminal V of J7 and P701.
by the load.
(3) Contacts 8 and 12 of S704A.
b. The voltage drop across R1302, which
(4) Meter M701 and R701.
is proportional to the transmitter power
(5) Contacts 12 and 8 of S704B.
ouput, causes a current to flow through
meter M701 through the following path:
(6) Terminal DD of P701 and J7.
(7) Terminal T of J1 and P101.
(1) Resistor R1302 and resistor R1301.
(2) Terminal T of J7 and P701.
(3) Contacts 10 and 12 of S704A.
(4) Meter M701 and current-limiting
resistor R701.
a. When METER switch S704 is in the
(5) Contacts 12 and 10 of S704B to
DVR Ib position, meter M701 indicates
transmitter driver V105 plate current.
METER switch S704 connects meter M701
across resistor R121. The voltage drop
across resistor R121 is proportional to the
flow of plate current through V105.
a. When METER switch S704 is in the PA
b. When switch S704 is placed in the
Ib position, meter M701 indicates power
DVR Ib position, resistor R121 shunts the
amplifer V106 plate current. METER
meter through the following terminals and
switch S704 connects METER M701 across
switch contacts:
resistor R839. Power amplifier plate cur-
(1) Resistor R121 to terminal U of
rent flows through resistor R839 and de-
P101 and J1.
velops a voltage drop proportional to the
(2) Terminal W of J7 and P701.
plate current through the tube.
(3) Contacts 7 and 12 of S704A.
b. When switch S704 is placed in the PA
(4) Meter M701 and R701.
Ib position, resistor R839 shunts the meter
(5) Contacts 12 and 7 of S704B.
through the following terminals and switch
(6) Terminal Z of P701 and J7.
(7) Terminal V of J1 and P101to R121.
(1) Terminal b of P801 and J8.
(2) Terminal U of J7 and P701.
(3) Contacts 9 and 12 of S704A.
72. % MOD Position
(4) Meter M701 and series current-
limiting resistor R701.
a. When METER switch S704 is in the
(5) Contacts 12 and 9 of S704B.
% MOD position, meter M701 indicates the
(6) Terminal A of P701 and J7.
percentage of modulation imposed on
(7) Terminal K of J8 and P801.
transmitter driver V105 and transmitter
power amplifier V106. METER switch S704
connects meter M701 across resistor
R828. Transmitter modulator cathode cur-
rent flowing through tubes V805, V806,
a. When METER switch S704 is in the PA
V807, and V808 develops a voltage drop
Ig position, meter M701 indicates power
across resistor R828 that is proportional
amplifier grid current. METER switch 704
to the cathode current. The meter reading
connects meter M701 across resistor
provides an indication of transmitter mod-
R109, which is in series with the grid-
ulator output because it is proportional to
leak circuit for power amplifier V106. The
the voltage drop across R828.
voltage drop across resistor R109 is pro-
b. When switch S704 is in the % MOD po-
portional to the power amplifier grid cur-
sition, resistor R828 shunts the meter
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