b. The signal applied to the grid of
17. Uhf Injection on Receive and Transmit
V201B is amplified and developed across
The uhf injection system, which consists
plate load Z201. Resistor R206 is a para-
of stages V201 through V205 (fig. 6 and 7),
sitic oscillation suppressor and C208 is a
provides 18 crystal-controlled frequencies
trimmer for Z201. Coil L222 is an addi-
that cover the 200- to 370-mc range in
tional trimmer adjustment for tuned cir-
10-mc steps. On receive, the output is
cuit Z201. The voltage developed across
heterodyned with the received rf to produce
Z201 is coupled through C210 to frequency
the first if. On transmit, the output is
tripler V202.
heterodyned with the first if. to produce
c. Resistors R203 and R204 provide
the rf carrier frequency.
cathode bias for the two triode sections of
V201. Resistor R201 and C202 provide
18. Crystal-Selection
plate decoupling for V201A. The filter
network, which consists of C239 and
FL203, decouples V201B from the +125-
1 of 15 crystals Y202, Y204, and Y206
Volt supply.
through Y218 (fig. 56). These crystals can
be selected by switch S202 to provide a
total of 18 oscillator output frequencies
are available. Switch S201, operated with
switch S202, selects the correct plate
a. Tuned circuit Z201 is tuned to the
second harmonic of the crystal frequency
t r i m m e r coil (L201 through L218)
for V201A.
when the radio set operates in the 220.0 to
299.9-mc range. When the radio set oper-
b. Blocking capacitor C201 prevents dc
ates in the 300.0 to 399.9-mc range, Z201
plate voltage on pin 4 of V201 from being
is tuned to the third harmonic of the crystal
grounded through the coil. Rf chokes L219
frequency. Thus the frequency developed
and L220 resonate the crystal case and
across 2201 is either two or three times
socket capacities and cancel their effect
the crystal frequency, depending upon the
on the operation of the circuit.
frequency of operation selected.
b. Capacitor C210 couples the output
signal from Z201 to the control grid of
a. Tube V201 functions as a cathode-
frequency tripler V202. Capacitor C208
coupled crystal oscillator. Triode section
and coil L222 are variable and insure pro-
V201A is connected as a grounded grid
per tracking for Z201.
amplifier. (Parasitic suppressor R202 ef-
fectively grounds the control grid.) The
selected crystal in the cathode circuit of
V201A controls plate current though this
a. Frequency tripler V202 is a tuned rf
tube section. The signal voltage is devel-
voltage amplifier. Resistors R207 and
oped across plate load L221 which is
R208 and capacitor C210 are the grid leak
shunted by the selected coil (L201 through
bias circuit. Capacitor C211 bypasses rf
L218) and temperature-compensating ca-
signals to ground to prevent rf from inter-
pacitor C236. The voltage across L221 is
fering with dc bias measurements at test
coupled through C207, developed across
jack J201. Screen grid voltage is supplied
grid resistor R205, and applied to the con-
to V202 through plate voltage dropping re-
trol grid of V201B. To sustain oscillation,
sistor R213 and screen voltage dropping
feedback current is coupled from the cath-
resistor R209. Capacitor C212 provides
ode of V201B through C203; through the
the screen grid with rf ground.
selected crystal, which functions as a
b. Plate voltage for V202 is supplied
series-tuned resonant circuit; and through
through resistor R213 and rf choke L224.
C204 to the cathode of V201A.
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