Section I. GENERAL
the 225.0 to 399.9-megacycles (mc) fre-
1. Scope
quency range are received by Receiver-
a. This manual covers field and depot
Transmitter RT-323/VRC-24 and re-
maintenance for Radio Sets AN/VRC-24
transmitted as frequency-modulated (fm)
and AN/TRC-68. It includes instructions
signals in the frequency range of 20 to 55
a p p r o p r i a t e to third, fourth, and fifth,
mc by Radio Set AN/GRC-3 through -8.
e c h e l o n s for troubleshooting, testing,
Fm signals are received by Radio Sets AN/
aligning, and repairing the equipment, re-
GRC-3 through -8 and retransmitted as
placing maintenance parts, and repairing
am. signals by Receiver-Transmitter RT-
specified maintenance parts. The manual
323/VRC-24. Figure 3, in TM 11-5820-
also lists tools, materials, and test equip-
222-10 illustrates the necessary cable
ment for third, fourth, and fifth echelon
connections for system operation. Instal-
m a i n t e n a n c e . Detailed functions of the
lation details are provided in paragraph 5
c o m p o n e n t s are covered in the theory
of TM 11-5820-222-20.
b. Broadband Applications. Both Radio
b. The complete set of technical manuals
Set AN/VRC-24 and AN/TRC-68 can be
for this equipment includes TM 11-5820-
used with broadband encoding and decoding
222-10, TM 11-5820-222-20, TM 11-5820-
equipment to transmit and receive encoded
222-20P, and TM 11-5820-222-35P.
am. radiotelephone signals. The radio sets
c. Forward comments concerning this
can be connected to the broadband equip-
manual direct to the Commanding Officer,
ment through the BROADBAND jack on the
U.S. Army Signal Materiel Support Agency,
f r o n t panel of either Receiver-Trans-
ATTN: SIGMS-PA2d, Fort Monmouth, N.J.
mitter RT-323/VRC-24 or RT-441/TRC-
d. For applicable forms and records,
68. When the broadband encoding equip-
see paragraph 2, TM 11-5820-222-10.
ment is used, audio is coupled from the
radio set to the broadband equipment, en-
coded, and returned to the radio set for
a. Retransmission Communications Sys-
transmission. Received encoded signals
tem. Radio Set AN/VRC-24 can be used
are detected by the radio set, coupled to
with Radio Sets AN/GRC-3 through -8 as
the broadband equipment, decoded, and re-
a retransmission device. In this system,
t u r n e d to the radio set audio output
amplitude-modulated (am.) signals within
Receiver-Transmitter Group OA-2648/
3. General
VRC-24 and Receiver-Transmitter Group
The receiving and transmitting signal
paths and automatic frequency selection
circuits of Receiver-Transmitter Groups
OA-2648/VRC-24 and OA-2649/TRC-68
are identical. The different power sup-
Receiver-Transmitters RT-323/VRC-
plies, fuses, and blowers used with each
receiver-transmitter group comprise the
24 and RT-441/TRC-68 (referred through-
out as the rt units) receive am. signals in
basic electrical differences between
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