| ![]() TB 430133
Figure 4. Anatomy of the Eye.
conditions) (CECOMR 38510, paragraph 8.d). The pupil of the eye is open wider at
times of lower illumination increasing exposure to the inside of the eye.
(11) Terminate high energy laser beams capable of producing a fire, with a
backstop containing the appropriate thickness of earth, firebrick, or other fireresistant
materials (use of asbestos is prohibited) (TB MED 524, paragraphs 36.a.(5) through
(7) and 319.b; CECOMR 38510, paragraph 8.f).
(12) Set up lasers so that the beam path is not at normal eye level, i.e., below
3 feet or above 7 feet (ANSI Z136.11993 paragraph; CECOMR 38510,
paragraph 8.i).
(13) Postings. All equipment except for class 1 lasers, need to be labeled
IAW 21 CFR 1040. Areas containing Class 3a should, and Class 3b and 4 shall, be
posted IAW ANSI Z136.11993, paragraph 4.3.15. Design of the signs shall be IAW
ANSI Z136.11993, paragraphs 4.7.1 and 4.7.2. Signal words shall follow the require-
ments listed in subparagraphs of ANSI Z136.11993 paragraph 4.7.3. Figures 5a and
5b are examples of typical postings.
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