| ![]() APPENDIX D
e Critical Defect. A defect that judgement and
our-digit index num-
experience indicate is likely to result in hazardous
assurance provision
or unsafe conditions for individual using, maintain-
t u r e use in automatic
ing, or depending on the product performanance
assigned when available
of the tactical function of a major end item, such
as a ship, au-craft, tank, missile. or space vehicle
l Stock Number. Each item listed in
with its Federal stock number, is sub-
f. Major Defect. A defect other than critical
ject to the provisions of this SQAP.
that could result in failure, or materially reduce
the usability of the product for its intended purpose
D-3. Definitions. Special terms used in this SQAP
g Minor Defect A defect that does not mat-
are defined as follows
erially reduce the usability of the unit of product
a. Acceptance Quality Level (AQL) The nom-
for its intended purpose, or is a departure from
mal value expressed in terms of percent defective
established standards having little bearing on the
or defects per 100 units, whichever is applicable,
effective use or operation of the unit
specified for a given group of defects of a product
h Mechanical-Visual Inspection An inspection
It is the maximum allowable accidental departure
by visual means to observe the item and/or pack-
from specification requirements which can be tol-
aging and packing to detect deficiencies Mechan-
ical-visual inspection may require disassembly
b. Storage Quality Level (SQL) That quality
i Technical Inspection A complete functional
level applicable to storage sampling inspection ex-
inspection, including disassembly, where required,
pressed in terms of percent defective or defects
and performanance testing and/or laboratory test-
per 100 units, whichever is applicable, specified
for a given group of defects of a product It is the
D-4 Specifications, Technical Manuals, and Other
specification requirements which can be tolerated.
Documents. The following documents of the latest
e. Defect Any nonconformance of the unit of
issue in effect, contain inspection and testing in-
product with specified requirements
formation, data, and instructions applicable to
these quality assurance provisions;
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