| ![]() ards and prescribing t
guidelines are provided y
for the surveillance of
of TM 743-200-1 for the quality evaluation of mat-
erial in the custody of supply and storage activities
ity level applicable to storage sampling inspection
This standard supplements TM 743-200-I by pro-
expressed in terms of percent defective or defects
viding a systematic procedure for storage cyclic In-
per 100 units. whichever IS applicable. specified
spection of the converters specified in paragraph
for a given group of defects of a product It is the
maximum allowable accidental departure from
damage, unsatisfactory storage practices. and other
specification requirements which can be tolerated.
characteristics which are acceptable It also estab-
lishes the basis for identifying materiel requiring
segregration. remedial care and preservation, or re-
Reporting of errors, omissions, and recommendat-
classification action Applicable requirements of the
ions for improving this publication by the individ-
standard may be used for performing receipt and
ual user is encouraged Reports should be submitt-
preshipment quality control inspections
ed on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to
Publications) and forwarded direct to Command-
ing General, U S Army Electronics Command,
specialized terms can be found in MIL-STD-109B
A T T N AMSEL-ME-NMP-EM. Fort Monmouth,
b Definitions for other specialized terms are
house or heated warehouse
ervation, packaging. and packing will be in accor-
dance with the requirements listed in appendix C
b Age Control Radio transmitters will be is-
Items designated by 17-digit code shall be pre-
sued on a first-in-first-out (FIFO) basis by date
served, and packaged in accordance with MIL-
of manufacture, or date of rebuild
STD-726C, packing shall conform to the requirc-
c Shelf Life Radio transmitters are subject to
ments specified in MIL-P-55585 (EL) Items de-
deterioration during storage and are required to
signated by an asterisk (*) shall be preserved,
be inspected and tested as specified in appendix D
packaged, and packed in accordance with the spec-
ial instructions cited for the item
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