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80. Replacement of Parts, Tuning Units
d. Replacement of Parts in Filter Box
Note: Several parts used in the tuning units have
for Con n e c t or J701, Rear of Main Unit
smaller tolrances than those that those used in most radio
(fig. 51). The parts mounted within the fil-
e q u i p m e n t . All resistors which are part of the if.
t e r box function to decouple rf and if.
step attenuators are precision 1 percent tolerance
currents from entering the various ac and
parts.  F o r tuning unit 1 if. step attenuator AT1,
these parts are R33 through R37; for tuning unit 2,
d c outputs developed by the main unit
they are AT201R1 through AT201R5; for tuning unit
power supplies.  The decoupling com-
3, they are AT401R1 through AT401T5; for tuning
p o n e n t s consist of 1,000-uuf feedthrough
unit 4,  they are AT501R1 through AT501R5. I f
b y p a s s capacitors (C741 through C758),
these parts require replacement, use the ewzct val-
ue of the part removed. I f even slightly different
and 7-microhenry series-connected rf
values are used, the accuracy of the test set will
chokes (L701 through 1.716 and L718). Each
be affected.
c h o k e is enclosed in a green insulated
a. Tuning Unit 1. The m a j o r sub-
c o a t i n g . If these parts r e qu i r e re-
a s s e m b l i e s within tuning unit 1, working
placement, use only an identical item for
clockwise from the top center of figure 56,
t h e part removed. Refer to figure 45 for
consist of the items listed in the chart that
the reference symbol identification and for
follows. Identification of the parts within
t y p i c a l voltage and resistance values that
e a c h subassembly can be determined by
should exist at the terminals of the feed-
r e f e r r i n g to the individual illustration of
t h r o u g h capacitors. Failure to obtain cor-
the subassembly. Follow the exploded view
r e s p o n d e n c e between a measured value
i l l u s t r a t i o n for removal and reassembly
a n d that indicated in figure 45 requires
p r o c e d u r e s of a defective subassembly.
troubleshooting and replacement of the de-
A v o i d unnecessary disassembly; dis-
f e c t i v e part or parts.
a s s e m b l e only to the extent necessary to
e. D is a s s e m b l y and Replacement of
r e p l a c e or repair the defective part.
O t h e r Parts.  D i s a s s e m b l y and re-
placement of other parts in the main unit
are obvious from the exploded view illus-
Detailed identification of parte
trations. The following chart identifies the
f i g u r e number and the major subassem-
Rf tuner
Top side of rf tuner chassis shown
in upper right corner of figure 56;
blies shown on the applicable illustration.
parts mounted on bottom side
shown in figure 57,
parts mounted within subassembly
If. input
Major parts and subassemblies
Parts mounted on each of the six
turret tuner.
turret tamer segments (fig. 58).
Interior of front panel and parts mounted
1,600-kc if.
Parts mounted on wiring side (fig.
on top of chassis, voltage regulator as-
sembly shown in position on uppar deck,
If. step at-
Parts mounted within subassembly
and filter box cover removed from rear
temmtor ATL
of chassis.
455-kc if. am-
Parts mounted on wiring side (fig.
Additional parts mounted on front panel
and top of chassis; partition separating
IMtector and
Parts within sealed assembly are
upper deck from main deck exploded
not separately replaceable; if
view for clarity; location of chassis ad-
aasembly Al
sealed unit is defective, discon-
justment controls R762, R776, R778,
nect multipfn plug I% from mat-
R789, S704, and S709; mounting phte
ing jack A1J2, on interior side of
for coaxial day K701 with right-angle
tuning unit 1 chassis. Remove the
adapter CP701; components mounted on
four screws and washers that se-
terminal boards TB701 and TB704.
cure sealed assembly to rear of
Parts mounted on function switch S702,
framework assembly; then gently
impulse generator coarse output level
pull entire sealed assembly
control S707, and impulse generator
straight back from the framework
fine output level control S708.
to disengage coaxial jack AIJ1
Parta mounted within perforated shield
from mating pl~ P7 (fig. 56) at
box of voltage regulator assembly, on
rear plate of if. output selector.
upper deck of main unit chassis.
Reassemble replacement sealed
Parts mounted on wiring side of chassis.
assembly in reverse order.
For detaila of components mounted on
If. Output
Parts mounted within subassembly
terminal boards TB702, TB703, TB705,
and TB706, see figure 43.

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