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(13) Carefully pull apart the front and
(b) Fasten relay K1201 (23) to front
rear plates (13) and (102).
plate (13) with two screws (18)
(14) Remove gear (92) from the gear
and washers (19) and one screw
bearing on the rear plate.
(20), washer (21), and spacer (22).
(15) Remove washers (93), (94), (95),
g. Separation of Front and Rear Plates
(96), (97), and (98).
(fig. 96).
h. Reassembly of Front and Rear Plates
(1) R e m o v e t h e m e m o r y d r u m ( c
(fig. 96).
(1) Place washers (93) and (98) on the
(2) Remove retaining ring (107) from
shafts of front plate shaft assem-
the shaft on the rear of the rear
blies (20) and (29) (fig. 97).
plate (102) and withdraw the shaft
(2) Place washers (94), (95), (96), and
assembly (67) from the front of
(97) on the shafts of the rear plate
the rear plate (102); then remove
shaft assemblies.
washer (68).
(3) Apply Grease, aircraft and instru-
(3) Remove  two  screws  (69)  and
ment (9150-272-3370) (light con-
washers (70) and (71) from the two
sistency) to the working surfaces
posts  (72),  and  remove  wafer
of all gears and cams mounted on
switch S1201 (73) from the posts.
the front and rear plates (fig. 97
(4) Remove  two  screws  (104)  and
and 98).
washers (103) from the rear of the
(4) Place gear (92) on the rear plate to
r e a r plate, and remove the two
mesh with the 36-tooth gear (78,
p o s t s (72) from the rear plate.
fig. 98) and the 36-tooth gear (24,
(5) R e m o v e t w o s c r e w s ( 7 4 ) a n d
fig. 98).
w a s h e r s (75) to remove wafer
(5) Place front plate (13) on rear plate
switch S1203 (76) and two spacers
(102). Carefully mesh the matching
gears as the two plates are fitted
(6) Remove two screws (78) and wash-
together. Align posts A, B, C, and
ers (79) to remove wafer switch
D on the rear plate with corre-
S1204 (80) and spacers (81).
sponding holes A, B, C, and D on
(7) Remove two screws (82) from two
the front plates.
posts (88) to remove wafer
(6) Secure the two plates (13) and (102)
switches S1205 (83) and S1206 (85).
with three flathead screws (89). In-
(8) Remove two nuts (86) to separate
sert the three screws through front
switches S1205 (83) and S1206 (85).
plate holes A and B and the counter-
(9) Remove one screw (55) and washer
sunk hole directly above dial as-
(56) and pivot connector J1201 to
sembly (46).
locate one flathead screw (89). Re-
(7) Replace screw (91) and washer (90)
move all three flathead screws (89)
b y inserting them through front
o n the front of the front plate.
plate hole C, and secure them to
(10) Remove one screw (25), washer
post C on rear plate.
(8) Replace screw (91) and washer (90)
(26), and cable clamp (35) that se-
cure bracket (34) to relay K1203
b y inserting them through front
plate hole D and securing them to
(33). Position the cable assembly
to locate and remove screw (91)
post D on rear plate.
and washer (90) from front plate
(9) Replace screw (25), washer (26),
and cable clamp (35) on bracket
(11) Remove, similar screw (91) and
(34) and relay K1203 (33).
washer (90) from the opposite side
(10) Pivot connector J1201 into place
of front plate (13).
and secure it with screw (55) and
(12) R e m o v e three screws (100) and
washer (56).
washers (101), and remove motor
(11) Lubricate all the wafer switches on
(99) from rear plate (102).
both sides of the wafers with low-

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