| ![]() h. Replace. To replace unserviceable items with serviceable
like items.
i. Repair. Those maintenance operations necessary to restore
an item to serviceable condition through correction of material
damage or a specific failure. Repair may be accomplished at each
category of maintenance.
j. Overhaul. Normally, the highest degree of maintenance per-
formed by the Army in order to minimize time work in process
is consistent with quality and economy of operation. It consists
of that maintenance necessary to restore an item to completely
serviceable condition as prescribed by maintenance standards in
technical publications for each item of equipment. Overhaul nor-
really does not return an item to like new, zero mileage, or zero
hour condition.
k. Rebuild. The highest degree of materiel maintenance. It
consists of restoring equipment as nearly as possible to new con-
dition in accordance with{ original manufacturing standards.
Rebuild is performed only when required by operational con-
siderations or other paramount factors " and then only at the
depot maintenance category. Rebuild reduces to zero the hours
or miles the equipment, or component thereof, has been in use.
l. Symbols. The uppercase letter placed in the appropriate
column indicates the lowest level at which that particular main-
tenance function is to be performed.
B-3. Explanation of Columns
Listed below is an explanation of the column shown in the main-
tenance allocation chart:
a. Column 1, Group Number. Column 1 lists group numbers,
the purpose of which is to identify components, assemblies, sub-
assemblies, and modules with the next higher assembly.
b. Column 2, Functional Group. Column 2 lists the names of
components, assemblies, subassemblies, and modules on which
maintenance is authorized.
c. Column 3, Maintenance Functions. Column 3 lists the lowest
level at which that particular maintenance function is to be per-
d. Column 4, Tools and Equipment. This column shall be used
to specify, by code, those tools and test equipment required to
perform the designated function.
e. Column 5, Remarks. Self-explanatory.
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