| ![]() TM 11-6625-847-12
Section I. GENERAL
b. Report of Packaging and Handling Deficiencies.
Scope of Manual
Fill out and forward DD Form 6 (Report of Packaging
This manual describes Simulator, Radio Frequency SM-
and Handling Deficiencies) as prescribed in AR 700-58
442A/GRC (fig.
and DSAR 4145.8.
operation, and maintenance. It includes operation,
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP) (SF
cleaning, and inspection of the equipment, and
replacement of parts available to the operator and
361). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in Shipment
organizational maintenance personnel.
Report (DISREP) (SF 361) as prescribed in AR 5548
and DSAR 4500.15.
Indexes of Publications
d. Administrative Storage. The procedures for
a. DA Pam 310-4. Refer to the latest issue of DA
administrative storage are outlined in TM 740-90-1;
however, the exact procedure in repacking for limited
Pam 3104 to determine whether there are new editions,
storage depends on the materials available and the
changes, or additional publications pertaining to the
conditions under which the equipment is to be stored.
b. DA Pam 310-7. Refer to DA Pam 310-7 to
1-3.1. Reporting of Errors
determine whether there are modification work orders
(MWO's) pertaining to the equipment.
recommendations for improving this publication by the
individual user is encouraged. Reports should be
Forms and Records
submitted on DA Form 2028, (Recommended Changes
a. Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory
to Publications, and Blank Forms), and forwarded direct
Equipment. Maintenance forms, records, and reports
to Commander, US Army Electronics Command, ATTN:
which are to be used by maintenance personnel at all
DRSEL-MAQ, Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703.
maintenance levels are listed in and prescribed by TM
Purpose and Use
Technical Characteristics
The SM-442A/GRC (fig. 1-1) serves as a simulator that
Primary power requirements 27 2 volts dc at 10
provides stimulus controls, mechanical coupling,
amperes min. (from external power supply).
resistive power loads, and direct current (dc) and
Power consumption
400 watts, max.
alternating current (ac) power which are necessary to
Air, rail, or vehicular (intact in
conduct a performance test of Radio Set AN/GRC-106
shipping crate).
with the use of standard external test equipment. When
Cabling requirements Input power cable (W15, W16,
the SM442A/GRC is used to test the modules of
or W17) plus cables specified
Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-662/GRC or Amplifier,
for a particular test. Cables
Radio Frequency AM-3349/GRC-106, it supplies the
secured from supplied cable kit.
stimulus inputs and controls which are normally supplied
Dc output voltages
-30 volts at 3 ma.
by the remaining unit. When the SM442A/GRC is used
+ 20 .volts at 500 ma.
to test the modules of the AN/GRC-106, it supplies the
+27 volts at 10 amp., max.
stimulus, the mechanical coupling, the power, the
+ 125 volts at 50 ma.
switching information, and loads which are normally
+200 volts at 158 ma.
supplied by the parent unit.
Ac output voltages
6.3 volts at 0.75 amp.
Input frequencies
50 cps to 1 kc.
Output frequencies
1.750000 mc + 100 cps,
1.751500 mc + 100 cps,
1.752500 mc + 100 cps.
Change 2 1-1
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