| ![]() (3) Set the test set GAIN control for a
f u l l - s c a l e indication on the panel
f i l l - s c a l e indication on the panel
(4) Increase the test set SIGNAL AT-
(4) S e t the test set SIGNAL ATTEN-
TENUATOR switch setting by 20 db
UATOR switch to 0 CW ONLY and
a n d decrease the 20-db variable
t h e 20-db variable step attenuator
step attenuator controls by 20 db.
for an attenuation of 80 DB.
T h e reading on the test set panel
meter should remain constant,
(5) R e p e a t the procedures given in a
(4), (5), and (6) of a above.
within 2O percent for each 20-db
change in control settings.
(5) Repeat the procedure given in (4)
113. Power Supply Test
above for each position of the
a. C o n n e c t t h e t e s t s e t t h r o u g h t h e
isolation transformer (TF-248/G) to the
to the 80 DB position.
p o w e r supply (VP-410), and perform as
(6) Repeat the procedures given in (1)
m a n y of the final tests as are necessary
through (4) above at the low,
t o verify that the test set operates prop-
middle, and high end of each band
e r l y at each of the following frequencies
on the tuning unit.
and input voltages:
b. If tuning units 2, 3, or 4 are installed,
Input voltages
proceed as follows:
50 cps
100, 117, and 130 vac
(1) S e t the 20-db variable step atten-
u a t o r controls for an attenuation
6 0 cps
100, 117, and 130 vac
of 60 DB and the test set SIGNAL
A T T E N U A T O R switch to 20 DB.
4 0 0 cps
100, 117, and 130 vac
(2) Adjust the output of the tuning unit
signal generator to obtain 100
b. P e r f o r m t h e f i n a l t e s t s d e t e r m i n e d
m i c r o v o l t at the test set SIGNAL
in a above with an input of 230 vac at a
frequency of 60 cps.
INPUT jack.
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