| ![]() power or 1-kilowatt peak power.
(2) SWR (standing wave ratio) of less
(4) Input and output impedance of 50-
t h a n 1.5 (less than 1.3 from 50-
mc to 7-kmc).
( 5 ) Voltage standing wave ratio no
( 3 ) Power range of 10-microwatts to
greater than 1.15- to l-UP to a
f r e q u e n c y limit of l,000-mc e
g. Characteristics of Power Supply. T h e
(6) Coaxial series N-type connectors
r e q u i r e d technical characteristics of the
power supply are:
a t input and output terminations.
( 1 ) Variable frequency range of 47-
b. Characteristics of 20-Db Variable
t o 6,000-cps in two ranges: 47-
S t e p Attenuator. T h e r e q u i r e d t e c h n i c a l
to 600-cps and 470- to 6,000-cps.
c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s of the 20-db variable step
(2) Power output 400-va (volt am-
a t t e n u a t o r are the same as those listed
p e r e s ) continuous operation.
in a above, except that there are five steps
(3) Output voltage of 75- to 150-volts
of attenuation from 0- to 80-db, in 20-db
( 4 ) Distortion of less than l-percent
c . Characteristics of 10-Db Pad. T h e
from 47- to 2,000-cps and less
r e q u i r e d technical characteristics of the
than 3-percent from 2,000- to
10-db pad are:
(1) Attenuation ratio of 10-db.
(5) Voltage regulation of less than 2-
(2) Accuracy of 0.25-db.
( 3 ) Coaxial structure, terminated in
percent from no load to fill load.
N-type male connector at one end
( 6 ) Frequency accuracy of -percent.
( 7 ) Frequency stability of l/2-per-
and N-type female connector at
cent after 15 minute warmup.
opposite end.
h. Characteristics of IG-115. The re-
( 4 ) Power rating of l-watt continuous
p o w e r or 1-kilowatt peak power.
quired technical characteristics of the IG-
(5) Input and output impedance of 50-
1 1 5 impulse generator are:
ohms .
(1) Frequency spectrum of 100-kc to
( 6 ) Voltage standing wave ratio no
1,000-mc, flat within +1/2-db.
( 2 ) Pulse width of 0.0005-microsec-
greater than 1.15 to 1 up to a
frequency limit of 2,000-mc.
(3) Output impedance of 50-ohms.
d. Characteristics of 20-Db Pad. T h e
r e q u i r e d technical characteristics of the
( 4 ) Output level (peak) of 100,000 -
20-db pad are the same as those listed in
m i c r o v o l t s per megacycle band-
b above, except that the attenuation ratio
w i d t h , adjustable over a 100-db
is 20-db.
range by means of step attenuators
i n l-db steps.
e. Characteristics of P o w e r Meter.
( 5 ) Pulse polarity reversible.
The required technical characteristics of
( 6 ) Repetition rate of 50- to 60-cps
t h e power meter are:
(line frequency).
( 1 ) Power range from 10-microwatts
t o 10-milliwatts (seven ranges).
i. Characteristics of Switching Unit.
required characteristics o f t h e
Power range also calibrated in dbm
from -20-dbm to +10-dbm.
switching unit are:
( 1 ) Coaxial type switch construction.
(2) Accuracy +3 percent of full scale on
( 2 ) Frequency limit up to 1,000-mc.
a l l ranges.
j. Additional Items Required for Final
( 3 ) Operating impedance of 100- or
2 0 0 - o h m s , negative, for operating
( 1 ) Resistor, 600-ohm, l/2-watt.
w i t h thermistor mount.
( 2 ) Potentiometer, 250,000-ohm.
f. Characteristics of Thermistor
( 3 ) Cable, Radio Frequency RG-5B/U
Mount. The required technical charac-
( o r RG-212/U).
t e r i s t i c s of the thermistor mount are:
( 4 ) Connector, P l u g , Electrical UG-
( 1 ) Frequency range of 10-mc to 10-
18 D/U (two each).
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