| ![]() ricated cable assembly consists of a 4-foot
82. Characteristics and Use of Laboratory
l e n g t h of RG-55/U cable terminated by a
Test Equipment, and Special Tools
UG-88/U connector, BNC-type, and an mb-
Required for Alignment
s e r i e s type 45000 connector. This cable
The type of laboratory test equipment
is used in aligning the tuning unit 2 and 4
a n d the special tools required for align-
i f . amplifiers.
ment of the various tuning units are indi-
h. UG-88/U Plug. This male-type BNC-
cated in a through k b e l o w .
s e r i e s connector terminates the RG-55/U
a . Tuning Unit 1 Signal Generator. A
c o a x i a l cable.
i. Mb-Series Type 45000 Connector.
c w signal generator is required that can
produce output within the frequency range
T h i s female minature bayonet series con-
f r o m 150 kc to 30 mc at an accuracy of
nector terminates the RG-55/U coaxial
+ 1 percent. An output voltage from 0.05
microvolt to 100 millivolts must be avail-
j . Tuning Wand. T h i s i s a 6 - i n c h b y
able. The output impedance at the attenua-
7 / 3 2 - i n c h tuning wand used for adjusting
tor jack must be 50 ohms. This impedance
the coils (tuning unit 2) and variable
is obtained when the type 1OOO-P2 40-ohm
capacitors (tuning unit 3).
series unit (supplied with this signal gen-
erator) is inserted into the attenuator out-
i s used for beiding the split rotor blades
put jack.
of the tuning capacitors during the align-
b. Tuning Unit 4 Signal Generator. A cw
m e n t of the rf sections of tuning units 3
s i g n a l generator is required that can pro-
and 4.
d u c e output within the frequency range
f r o m 400 to 1,000 mc at an accuracy of
83. Filament-Voltage and 400 -VoIt
0 . 5 percent. An output voltage must be
a v a i l a b l e which is continuously variable
from 0.1 microvolt to approximately 1 volt,
Remove the main unit from its instrument
case (para 40b, item 12, TM 11-6625-351-
across a 50 ohm load.
12) and make the following adjustments in
c. Tuning Unit 4 Wavemeter. A w a v e -
the power supply section of the main unit
meter is required for checking the operat-
before proceeding with the alignment.
ing frequency of the rf amplifier and oscil-
l a t o r in the 700-1,000-mc band of tuning
a. 420-Volt Adjustment.
(1) S e t POLARITY switch S709 at +.
u n i t 4. This wave meter covers the fre-
This switch is accessible from the
quency range from 250 to 1,250 mc and is
a c c u r a t e to within 2 percent of its dial
top of the main unit adjacent to the
voltage regulator assembly
d. Dc Vtvm. This is a vacuum tube volt-
meter (vtvm) capable of measuring ac and
(2) C o n n e c t the positive lead of the
m u l t i m e t e r to the top right termi-
dc voltages from 0 to 1,500 volts and re-
sistance from 0.2 ohm to 1,000 megohms.
nal (1) of toggle switch S709 (fig.
It has a dc input resistance of 11 megohms.
52). Connect the negative lead of the
m u l t i m e t e r to chassis ground. Set
e. Type 472S0 Adapter. This is an adap-
ter for converting a UG88/U connector to
t h e multimeter FUNCTION switch
a n md (minature bayonet) Industrial Pro-
to the DIRECT position.
ducts Co. type 45000 connector, and is re-
(3) Set the main unit POWER switch at
quired in aligning tuning unit 1 if. ampli-
(4) I M P U L S E G E N L E V E L S E T
control R762 is a dual potentiom-
f. UG-201A/U Adapter. This is an
a d a p t e r for connecting the UG-88/U con-
eter which is mounted directly be-
nector to the N-series SIGNAL INPUT jack
neath POLARITY switch S709 (fig.
on the main unit front panel. It is required
i n aligning the tuning unit 1 rf tuner.
the power supply from the bottom
deck of the main chassis. Vary the
g. Fabricated Cable Assembly. The fab-
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