| ![]() (5) Tuning unit
Same an for step l, tuning unit 1.
Defective connection at terminal
Tuning unit 3 interconnected
A2 on connector P401 (fig. 68).
through test harness to main
unit; POWER switch at ON;
Poor or no connection between
Same as for step l, tuning unit 1.
subminiature connector plug
ABOVE 1 V/MC switch S705 at
P414 at harness end of wires
ON; impulse generator output
running from receptacle P401
controls fully clockwise; but no
to connector J2 on detector and
meter implication.
e l e c t r o m e t e r assembly A401.
Poor or no connection between
Same as for step l, tuning unit 1.
p r o t r u d i n g coaxial connector
plug P413 on if. amplifier sub-
assembly (fig. 68), and coax-
ial connector jack J1 co
d e t e c t o r and electrometer
a s s e m b l y A401.
Poor or no connection betweem
Check P402 and J401 for secure
connector plug P402, which
mechical and electrical con-
t e r m i n a t e s coaxial cable from
terminal A2l on P401 (rear of
chassis), and mating jack J401
of right-angle adapter C1401
Poor or no connetion between
Check P403 and J402 for secure
connector plug P403 of right-
m e c h a n i c a l and electrical con-
nection. If this does not remedy
angle adapter CP401 and input
jack J402 of bandpass filter
t r o u b l e , click inner connector
FL401 (fig. 68).
of CP401 for continuity from J401
to J402. Also check for infinite
r e s i s t a n c e between inner con-
ductor of CP401 outer shell.
Replace adapter if defective.
Poor or no connection between
Check J403 and P404 for secure
m e c h a n i c a l and electrical con-
output jack J403 of bandpass
filter FL401 and mating plug
P404 of right-angle adapter
CP402 (fig. 68).
Poor or no Connectiom between
Check J404 and P405 for Secure
jack J404 of right-angle adapter
m e c h a n i c a l and electrical con-
C P 4 0 2 and mating plug P405 of
nection. If this does not remedy
coaxial cable assembly W401
t r o u b l e , check inner conductor
of CP402 for continuity from P404
to J404. Also check for infinite
r e s i s t a n c e between inner conduc-
tor and outer shell. Replace
adapter if defective.
Poor or no connection between
Check P406 and J405 for secure
connector plug P406 of coaxial
m e c h a n i c a l and electrical con-
cable assembly W401 and mat-
nections. If this does not remedy
ing jack J405 on rf tuner (fig.
trouble, check inner conductor of
cable assembly W401 for con-
tinuity from P405 to P406. Also
check for infinite resistance be-
tween inner conductor and outer
s h e l l . Repair or replace cable
assembly W401 if defective.
No driving power from rf tuner
C h e c k for s e c u r e connections of
to 42-mc if. preamplifier (fig. &.
cable assembly W402. Be sure
that connector plug P407 securely
mates rf tunner output jack J406
s e c u r e l y mates if. preamplifier
input jack J407 (fig. 70). If this
does not remedy trouble, discon-
nect cable assembly W402 and
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