| ![]() Probable
Check R235, L214, and contact W2
Defect in 105-volt B+ line to
V206B (fig. 65).
and W3 of S201A. Replace defec-
tive components, or repair switch
Defective detector and elec-
Replace defective detector and elec-
Meter pointer deflects to left of 0
t r o m e t e r sealed assembly with
trometer assembly A201 (fig.
DECIBELS in both positions of
one known to be operating satis-
64) .
factorily in another tuning unit.
If this replacement remedies
trouble, reinstall known good
d e t e c t o r and electrometer assem-
bly in original tuning unit. Obtain
new A201 assembly from stock
and install it in tuning unit 2.
Remove operating power. Rotate
Faulty contacts on band switch
Meter Indication are present at
band switch to 20-70 MC and
S201B (fig. 65).
70-220 MC of bad switch, but
check for continuity between
cannot be obtained at 20-70 MC.
wiper (W) of switch S201B and
primary winding (ungrounded
terminal) of T201. Repair or
replace defective switch.
Reapply operating power with band
Faulty contacts on band switch
switch at 20-70 MC. Check for
S201B (fig. 65).
150-volt B+ power at plates of
V201, V202, and V203A (pin 1) to
chassis ground. No B+ voltage at
plates indicates defect between
contacts Z1 and Z2 on switch
S201A. Repair switch.
Check the primary winding of T202,
Defect in 150-volt B+ line to
and resistors R217 and R219.
V203A (fig. 65).
Replace defective component.
Check for open in R214 or R218.
Defect in 150-volt B+ line to V202
Replace defective compmnmt.
Check for open in R209 and replace
Defect in 150-volt B+ line to V201
i f necessary.
Check for open in R216 or trouble
Defect in 105-volt B+ line to
in contactsa W1 and W2 of S201A.
oscillator V203B plate, pin 6.
Replace defective resistor or
repair switch S201A.
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