| ![]() (4) Tuning unit 2.
Same as for step 1, tuning unit 1.
Defective connection at terminal
Tuning unit 2 interconnected
A2 on connector P201 (fig. 64).
through test harness to main
Same as for step 1, tuning unit 1.
Poor or no connection between
unit; POWER switch at ON; IM-
subminiature connector plug
P213 at harness end of wires
ON; impulse generator output
controls fully clochwise; but no
running from receptacle P201
meter indication at either position
to connector J2 on detector and
e l e c t r o m e t e r assembly A201.
Poor or no connection between
Same as for step 1, tuning unit 1.
protruding coaxial connector
plug P212 on if. amplifier sub-
assembly (fig. 64) and coaxial
connector jack J1 on detector
a n d electrometer assembly
Poor or no connection between
Check P202 and J201 for secure
connector plug P202, which
mechanical and electrical connec-
terminates coaxial cable from
tion. If this does not remedy
terminal A2 on P201 (rear of
t r o u b l e , suspect if. amplifier.
chassis), and mating jack J201
on rf tuner (fig. 65).
Faulty 10. 7-mc if. amplifier
Troubleshoot by signal substitu-
tion technique (para 72). Check
V207 through V211.
Faulty contacts on band switch
Check both section A and B of
S201 (fig. 65).
rotary switch S201 for continuity
by referring to tuning unit 2
overall schematic diagram (fig.
Poor or no connection between
Check P208 and J201 (fig. 65) for
s e c u r e mechanical and electrical
connector plug P208 and mating
connection. Disconnect cable
jack J207 on rf tuner (fig. 64),
assembly W201 from jacks J207
or between P209 and mating
and AT201J1; check cable for
jack J1 on if. step attenuator
continuity. Repair or replace if
Check P211 and J2 for secure
Poor or no connection between
mechanical and electrical connec-
connector plug P211 and mating
jack J2 on if. step attenuator
AT201 (fig. 66).
Check for 6.3-volt ac heater power
Inoperative rf tuner (fig. 65) ----
at protruding terminal of feedthru
capacitor C250. Repair wire lead
connection from P201 (fig. 64),
t e r m i n a l 16, if necessary. Check
V201 through V206.
Check for +105-volt source of power
to oscillators V203B and V206B
of feedthru capacitor C270 to
chassis ground, Repair wire lead
connection from P201, terminal
3 , if necessary.
Check for +150-volt source of power
to rf amplifiers V201, V202,
V204, and V205, and to mixers
V203A and V206A. Measure volt-
age at protruding terminal of
feedthru capacitor C264 to chassis
ground. Repair wire lead connec-
tion from top of if. amplifier at
feedthru capacitor C280 if neces-
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