| ![]() Feedthrough capacitor C518 de-
descriptions. A c o m b i n e d physical-elec-
couples rf currents in the heater
t r i c a l d i a g r a m o f the 400-700-mc tuner
c i r c u i t from the power supply.
o s c i l l a t o r V504 are housed in a chassis
(b) T h e p l a t e c u r r e n t o f t h e t y p e
6299 amplifier tube must be lim-
that contains four tuned coaxial-type cav-
i t e d to a maximum of 10 milli-
i t i e s and one rectangular compartment.
amperes to prolong the life of the
This chassis is also constructed with
c o p l a n a r triode tube. Variable
r e l a t i v e l y thick walls to provide mechan-
r e s i s t o r R508, designated V503
ical stability and electrical isolation. Two
ADJ, is provided for this adjust-
covers (fig. 72) are secured to the chasis.
ment. Rf choke L521 applies the
One is snugly secured to the exterior
+ 1 5 0 - v o l t output of the power
side and provides shielding against rf
supply to one terminal of R508,
leakage for the amplifier cavities and the
which is mounted outside of the
o s c i l l a t o r cavity. A second cover, of Z-
c a v i t y on the tuning unit frame
shape construction, is secured to the com-
a s s e m b 1 y (fig. 72). Capacitor
partment that houses crystal diode CR502
C 5 2 1 penetrates the cavity wall
a n d crystal mixer coil L514. The tuning
a n d connects the B+ potential
slug of the mixer coil projects through a
t h r o u g h voltage-dropping resis-
v e r t i c a l wall of the crystal diode com-
t o r R507 (B, fig. 73) to feed-
p a r t m e n t ; this slug is factory set for a
through capacitor C519, which is
f l a t frequency response over the band.
mounted on a supporting bracket
R e f e r e n c e to the parts location diagram
( A , fig. 73) in the plate cavity.
The bracket serves as a con-
p a c i t o r s (C517, C521, C526, C527, and
v e n i e n t anchoring point for one
C528), a right-angle input signal connector
terminal of rf choke L513, which
(J508), and a termination (CP502) for the
i s wound on R506. The second
o u t p u t signal cable are inserted through
terminal of rf choke L513 is
t h e tuner walls for purposes described in
b below.
soldered to the underside of the
b. Circuit Analysis, Static Condition.
metallic tube clip which supports
The 400-700-mc rf tuner consists of five
a m p l i f i e r tube V503 within the
s e p a r a t e l y confined but functionally in-
c a v i t y . Rf choke L513 connects
t e r r e l a t e d circuits with operating voltages
the B+ potential to the plate elec-
for the tube electrodes applied as follows:
trode of V503 and offers a high
(1) Amplifier circuit. Similar to the
i m p e d a n c e to rf currents in the
7 0 0 - 1 , 0 0 0 - m c tuner (para 51b(1)),
p l a t e circuit. Capacitor C513, of
the amplifier circuit uses a
tubular construction, is also sol-
g r o u n d e d-grid coplanar triode,
dered to the underside of the
plate tube clip, and offers a low-
is secured to the grounded partition
i m p e d a n c e path for rf energy to
t h a t separates the cathode input
p a s s to the tuned plate output
cavity from the plate output cavity;
this avoids the need for neutraliza-
(2) Oscillator circuit. The oscillator
t i o n of the amplifier input circuit
c o n s i s t s of a miniature-type 6T4
a n d minimizes the generation of
t r i o d e connected to two parallel
s p u r i o u s frequencies.
1/2-wavelength c a p a c i t y-loaded
transmission lines (A, fig. 73). The
(a) Heater voltage is connected from
length of the parallel transmission
t h e power supply, through feed-
t h r o u g h capacitor C517 (B, fig.
l i n e s must be greater than those
i n the 700-1,000-mc tuner so that
t h e heater pins. The return path
resonance can be obtained over
for the heater voltage is through
t h e 400-700-mc tuning range. For
t h i s r e a s o n , t h e large-envelope
rf choke L511 to chassis ground.
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