| ![]() p i n s . The return path for heater
with relatively thick walls to provide a high
voltage is through rf choke L501
d e g r e e of mechanical stability and elec-
to chassis ground. Chokes L501,
trical isolation. Three covers (fig. 72) are
L 5 0 2 , and two decoupling net-
s e c u r e d to the chassis; one cover is se-
works (consisting of choke L524-
c u r e d to the side of the chassis, and a
bypass capacitor C531 and choke
second cover is secured to the end of the
L545-b y p a s s capacitor C530,
tuner housing the variable capacitor plates.
T h e s e two covers provide proper shield-
s h o w n on the overall schematic
d i a g r a m (fig. 102)), effectively
i n g against rf leakage for the amplifier
p r e v e n t rf currents from circu-
c a v i t i e s , the oscillator cavity, and the
compartment that houses voltage-dropping
lating in the heater supply.
r e s i s t o r R505 in the oscillator plate cir-
(b) S i n c e the plate current of the
c u i t . The third cover is secured to the
type 6299 tube must be limited to
compartment that houses crystal diode
a maximum of 10 milliamperes,
C R 5 0 1 and crystal mixer coil L505. An
V 5 0 1 ADJ control (fig. 34) is
access hole is provided at the top of the
provided for making adjustments.
cover to permit factory adjustment of the
R f choke L521 applies the 150-
tuning shaft for a flat frequency response
volt output of the power supply to
over the band. Reference to the parts loca-
one terminal of variable resistor
tion diagram (fig. 74) shows that four feed-
R 5 0 3 , which is mounted on the
through capacitors (C502, C505, C540, and
tuning unit frame assembly (fig.
C511), a right-angle input signal connector
i s in series with choke L504 to
(J506), and a termination (CP501) are in-
feedthrough c a p a c i t o r C505,
s e r t e d through the chassis walls for pur-
which penetrates the cavity wall
poses described in b b e l o w .
and connects the B+ potential to
b . Circuit Analysis, Static Condition.
the compartment that houses the
The rf tuner consists of six separately
c r y s t a l diode. A wire lead con-
c o n f i n e d but functionally interrelated cir-
nects C505 to the junction of R502
cuits, with operating voltages for the tube
and feedthrough capacitor C504.
e l e c t r o d e s applied as described below:
(1) Amplifier circuit. T h e a m p l i f i e r
T h i s capacitor serves only as a
convenient tie point for anchoring
c i r c u i t uses a grounded-grid co-
p l a n a r triode, V501 (A, fig. 74),
one terminal of R502. Because of
the voltage drop across R502, a
w h i c h is secured to the partition
lower value of B+ potential is ap-
t h a t separates the cathode cavity
plied through feedthrough capac-
f r o m the plate cavity. A screw is
itor C503 to the plate of V501. Rf
u s e d to transfer spring pressure
f r o m a metallic clamp to the grid
choke L503 wound on R501, pre-
disk of the electron tube; this as-
sents a high impedance to rf cur-
s u r e s a secure electrical contact.
rents entering the B+ power sup-
Since the clamp, the partition, and
ply line.
(2) Oscillator circuit. The oscillator
t h e electron tube grid are always
at rf ground potential, the need for
c i r c u i t uses an acorn-type triode
neutralization of the amplifier input
( V 5 0 2 ) which is mounted by its
circuit is avoided. Simultaneously,
radiating pins to supporting struc-
the possible generation of spurious
t u r e s within the oscillator cavity
and undersided frequencies is kept
(A, fig. 74). The plate (pins 3 and
to a minimum.
4) is secured to an adjustment nut
which is anchored to one of the two
(a) Heater voltage (6.3 volts) ac is
p a r a l l e l l/2-wavelength capacity-
connected from the power supply
l o a d e d transmission lines in the
through rf choke L509, feed-
t h r o u g h capacitor C502, and rf
cavity. The grid (pins 3 and 5) is
secured to a second adjustment nut
choke L502 to one of the heater
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