| ![]() calibrating signal path cannot be
which may be present at the front-
disturbed by any rf potential
panel IMPULSE OUTPUT jack.
25. Block Diagram of Tuning Unit 1
g. 1,600-Kc If. Amplifier. The
k c if. amplifier consists of four cascaded
double-tuned if. amplifier stages: V4, V5,
The block diagram for tuning unit 1 is
V 6 , and V7. These stages provide addi-
s h o w n in figure 15. For complete circuit
tional gain and selectivity for the 1,600-kc
d e t a i l s , refer to the schematic diagram,
if. signal. To vary the signal amplification,
a front-panel GAIN control is provided.
h. 455-Kc If. Amplifier. The 455-kc if.
a. Six-Position Turret Tuner. The six-
position turret tuner receives the rf signal
a m p l i f i e r is similar to the 1,600 kc, ex-
f r o m the main unit, and provides appro-
cept that its center operating frequency is
priate tuned circuits for any of the six rf
455 kc, instead of 1,600 kc. It also has four
b a n d s selected by MEGACYCLES band
s e p a r a t e stages: V8, V9, V10, and V1l.
s w i t c h S1. The rf signal is then coupled
The front-panel GAIN control, which varies
to the rf amplifier.
t h e signal amplification, is common with
b. Rf Amplifier Stage, V1. The rf am-
t h e 1,600-kc if. amplifier.
plifier stage, V1, amplifies the signal and
i. If. Output Selector. T h e i f . o u t p u t
c o u p l e s it to mixer stage V2. The front-
s e l e c t o r is a relay-operated switch which
panel TUNING control tracks the rf ampli-
allows the output from the if. amplifier in
f i e r and mix e r tuned circuits with the
use to be coupled to the detector and
output of the oscillator.
e l e c t r o m e t e r assembly, Al. Selection of
c. Oscillator, V3. O s c i l l a t o r V 3 g e n -
the proper relay-energizing voltage is
e r a t e s a signal which is 455 kc higher
a u t o m a t i c , depending. on the position of
t h a n the incoming rf signal for bands 1
the MEGACYCLES band switch S1.
a n d 3 (para 26), or 1,600 kc higher than
j. Detector and Electrometer Assembly
t h e incoming rf signal for bands 2, 4, 5,
A1. T h e d e t e c t o r a n d e l e c t r o m e t e r a s -
a n d 6. This signal is injected into mixer
s e m b l y receives the output from the if.
stage V2.
amplifier and performs two main functions.
d. Mixer Stage V2. M i x e r s t a g e V 2
F i r s t , the audio detector demodulates the
h e t e r o d y n e s the incoming rf signal from
i f . signal and feeds the resultant output
rf amplifier with the oscillator frequency,
signal to audio amplifier V701 in the main
a n d produces an output difference fre-
u n i t . Secondly, dual meter detectors are
q u e n c y . This difference frequency, which
used in a voltage-divider network to sup-
may be either 455 kc or 1,600 kc, depend-
p l y driving voltage to two separate elec-
ing on the band selected by the setting of
trometer stages. These are extremely
the MEGACYCLES band switch, is coupled
high-impedance electron tubes which faith-
to the if. input selector.
f u l l y reproduce the applied input signal,
e. If. Input Selector. The if. input se-
with no degradation or amplification, in its
l e c t o r allows for automatic relay-operated
amplifier. Two additional steps of attenua-
selection of either the 455-kc or the 1,600
t i o n , 10 db or 20 db, are inserted in the
kc output from the mixer stage. The proper
s i g n a l path by rotating SIGNAL ATTEN-
s i g n a l path for the selected if. signal is
UATOR DB switch S701 to its various posi-
c o m p l e t e d together with a second relay
t i o n s . In the 0 SUBST ONLY and 0 CW
housed in if. step attenuator AT1.
ONLY positions of S701, 6 db attenuation
f. If. Step Attenuator AT1. If. step at-
i s in the if. signal path. In the 20 DB
t e n u a t o r AT1 is a ladder network which
position, 16 db of attenuation is in the path;
provides an inherent 6-db loss in the sig-
in the 40, 60, and 80 DB positions, 26 db
n a l path, before the signal enters the it.
of attenuation is in the path.
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