| ![]() T.O. 12P4-2APX-142
NAVAIR 16-35C6280-1
TM 11-5841-268-25
Step 1. Make sure wire is securely connected to contact
Step 2. Lubricate wire cavities in back face of connector
In Control, Transponder Set C-6280(P)/APX,
insert with a thin film of DC-200 Silicone Oil, or equivalent.
Serial No. 1 through 130, manufactured under
Contract AF33(657)- 14550, rotary switches
Step 3. Locate pin in insertion tool coaxially with tool.
S201 and S202 were installed with the index
Step 4. Align contact pin with appropriate hole in rear
key rotated approximately 45 from the hori-
face of insert, taking care to avoid damaging the insert.
zontal and were marked with a yellow dot on
Step 5. When pin has entered rear seal portion of insert,
the rear wafer. When one of these switches is
maintain alignment of pin and tool parallel to and coaxially
to be replaced, the new switch should be in-
stalled with the index key in the horizontal po-
with the contact pin hole in the insert.
sition and the 45 offset hole should be plugged.
Step 6. Insert contact pin to full depth. (Insertion force
is less than 5 pounds.) The seating of the contact pin in the
816. To remove and replace either one of the two rotary
retention collet should produce an audible sound.
Step 7. Keep insertion tool aligned with insert hole, and
the rear panel assembly (paragraph 85). Then, proceed
remove tool from connector.
as follows:
Step 1. Remove mounting nut and lockwasher (30, 31, or
connector mounting flange or the silicone-rubber insert of
the connector is damaged, the connector must be replaced.
Either the original contact pins may be reused or new pins
Step 2. On C-6280A(P)/APX, remove two screws (33 and
may be installed. Replace the connector as follows:
40, FO4) and remove nut plate assembly (34 or 41). Re-
Step 1. Remove all contact pins from connector (para-
move two nuts (36 or 43) and lift off switch bracket (35 or
graph 89).
42); then, replace nuts (36 or 43) to hold switch together.
Step 2. If new contact pins are to be installed, disconnect
Step 3. Gently move switch so terminals are accessible.
wires from old pins and attach them to the new pins (para-
Step 4. See wiring diagram FO2 and solder wires to ap-
graph 810).
propriate terminals of replacement switch.
Step 5. On C-6280A(P)/APX, install switch bracket (35
sert pins in the new connector insert (paragraph 8-11 ) ac-
or 42, FO-4) on switch with nuts (36 or 43).
cording to wire color.
Step 6. Install replacement rotary switch on subassembly
mounting panel with mounting nut and lockwasher.
Step 7. On C-6280A(P)/APX, replace nut plate assembly
814. To remove and replace any of the eight toggle
(34 or 41, FO-4) and screws (33 or 40).
switches (41, 42, 43, 44, 45, FO3; 51, 52, 53, 54, 55,
Step 8. Apply a small amount of Lubricant 551D7-44 to
switch actuating mechanism, and turn switch several times
panel (paragraph 83) and the rear panel assembly (para-
to distribute lubricant. Remove any excess lubricant.
graph 85). Then, proceed as follows:
Step 9. Replace the plastic light panel and rear panel as-
sembly (paragraphs 83 and 85).
toggle switch and remove switch.
8 18. To replace any of the six thumbwheel switch assem-
Step 3. Install replacement switch on subassembly mount-
ing panel with nut and washer.
remove plastic light panel (paragraph 83) and rear panel
assembly (paragraph 85), and proceed as follows:
wires to switch terminals.
to be removed.
Step 5. Replace the plastic light panel and rear panel as-
sembly (paragraphs 83 and 85).
Change 1
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