| ![]() TM 11-5825-271-34
Insert the hitch pin clip through the hole at end of the
4-7. General
door support rod.
(3) Tag and disconnect all wires on the
a. This section provides instructions for performing
electronic assembly (8) leading from sources outside the
the maintenance functions allocated to general support
maintenance on the ATU.
(4) Disengage the captive screws (3) securing
b. Support illustrations are provided to aid in the
the electronic assembly (8) to the motor tuning assembly
performance of procedures.
The numbers in
(2) and remove the assembly.
parentheses referenced in the text, e.g., (1), (2), etc.
b. Replacement Proceed as follows.
correspond to the item callout on the illustration.
(1) Place the electronic assembly (8) on the
c. All wires removed/unsoldered during the
motor tuning assembly (2).
procedure should be tagged for
(2) Aline four captive screws (3) on the
electronic assembly (8) with four clinch nuts on the motor
tuning assembly (2).
(3) Tighten four captive screws (3) to secure
electronic assembly (8) to motor tuning assembly (2).
Make sure that external ac circuit
(4) Reconnect all tagged wires to the
breaker and battery supply are switched
electronic assembly (8).
off and tagged with a warning not to be
(5) Remove the hitch pin clip from the door
turned on while maintenance is being
support rod (10) and disengage the door support rod
from the doorstop bracket (9). Insert the door support
rod m the retainer and lower the ATU front cover (1).
4-8. Removal and Replacement of ATU Electronic
(6) Using a slot screwdriver, lock the ATU
front cover.
a. Proceed as follows.
(1) Refer to figure 4-2 Using a slot
screwdriver, unlock the ATU front cover (1)
(2) Raise the ATU front cover (1) and insert
the door support rod (10) into the doorstop bracket (9).
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