| ![]() TM 11-5825-202-34P
Code for Manufacturer (FSCM) in parentheses. The
Used on
FSCM is used as an element in item identification to
designate manufacturer or distributor or Government
The following publications pertain to the,
agency, etc., and is identified in SB 708-42.
AN/GRN-6 and its components: `
d. Unit of Measure (U/M). Indicates the standard
TM 11-5825-202-12
Organizational Maintenance
or basic quantity by which the listed item is used in
Manual: Radio Beacon Set
performing the actual maintenance function.
measure is expressed by a two-character alphabetical
TM 11-5825-202-20P Organizational Maintenance
abbreviation; e.g., ea, in, pr, etc., and is the basis used to
Repair Parts and Special
indicate quantities and allowances in subsequent
Tools Lists: Beacon Set,
columns. When the unit of measure differs from the unit
Radio AN/GRN-6.
of issue, the lowest unit of issue that will satisfy the
TM 11-5825-202-35
Direct Support, General
required units of measure will be requisitioned.
Support, and Depot
e. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. This column
Maintenance Manual: Radio
Beacon Set AN/ GRN-6.
indicates the quantity of the item used in the equipment.
Subsequent appearances of the same item in the same
assembly are indicated by the letters "REF".
1-5. Location of Repair Parts
f. 30-Day DS/GS Maintenance Allowances.
a This manual contains one cross-reference index
(sec. IV) to be used to locate a repair part when either
the Federal stock number or reference number
Allowances in GS column are for GS
(manufacturer's part number) is known. The first column
maintenance only.
in the index is prepared in numerical or alphanumeric
(1) The repair parts indicated by asterisk entries in
sequence in ascending order The reference numbers
separate allowance columns for DS and GS represent
(manufacturer's part numbers) are listed immediately
those authorized for use at that category of maintenance
following the last listed Federal stock number in the
to be requisitioned on an "as required" basis, until
index of Federal stock numbers.
stockage is based on demand in accordance with AR
b When the Federal stock number or reference
number is known, follow the procedures given in (1) and
(2) Allowance quantities are indicated in the
(2) below.
special tool lists section for special tools, TMDE, and
(1) Refer to the index of Federal stock numbers
other support equipment.
(sec. IV) and locate the Federal stock number or
g. 1-Year Allowances Per 100 Equipments/
reference number. The FSN and reference number are
Contingency Planning Purposes. Column intentionally
cross-referenced to the applicable figure and item
left blank.
number or reference designation
h. Depot Maintenance Allowance Per 100
(2) Refer to the repair parts list (sec. II) and locate
Equipments. This column indicates opposite the first
the figure number (col. 10a) and item number or
appearance of each item the total quantity authorized for
reference designation (col. 10b) as noted in the FSN
depot maintenance of 100 equipments.
i. Illustration. This column is divided as follows:
c. When the figure and item number or reference
(1) Figure number. Indicates the figure number of
designation are known, scrutinize the columns 10a and
the illustration on which the item is shown in TM 11-
10b of the repair parts list (sec. II) until the item is
5825-202-12 and TM 11-5825-20235.
(2) Item number. Indicates the item number or
When the FSN, reference number, figure
reference designation used to reference the item on the
number, item number and reference designation are not
known, scrutinize column 3 of the repair parts list (sec.
II), which is arranged in alphabetical order.
1-4. Special Information
1-6. Abbreviations
a. Usable on codes are included in column 3.
Not applicable.
Uncoded items are applicable to all models.
Identification of the usable on codes used in this
1-7. Reporting of
publication are--
The reporting of errors, omissions, and
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