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TM 11-5821-333-12
4-2. RETRANSMIT. Continued
a. SC to SC Retransmit.
(1). Set up radios C and D for normal operation. Be sure there is at least 10 MHz difference between the
operating frequencies of the two radios.
(2). Confirm communications between radios A and C.
(3). Confirm communications between radios B and D.
(4). Set radio C and D FUNCTION switches to RXMT. The retransmit radios are now ready.
(5). Confirm communications between radios A and B.
b. FH to FH Retransmit.
(1). Set up radios A and C for normal FH net operation on FH Data F1.
(2). Set up radios B and D for normal FH net operation on FH Data F2.
(3). If radio A is the NCS, set radio D MODE switch to . If radio B is the NCS, set radio
MODE switch to .
(4). Set radio C and radio D FUNCTION switches to RXMT. The retransmit radios are now ready.
c. SC and FH (Mixed Mode) Retransmit.
Performance will be degraded in the FH to SC link.
(1). Set up radio links A to C and B to D. Set up one for normal SC operation. Set up the other for normal
FH operation on the FH net FH Data.
(2). For SC link, confirm communication between retransmit SC radio and outstation.
(3), For FH link, contact FH net NCS from FH radio, and confirm communications.
(4). Set both RT FUNCTION switches to RXMT. The retransmit radios are now ready.
d. ERF Relay. An ERF signal will not automatically pass through a retransmit radio. It is necessary to pass
the ERF data through one link at a time.
To pass it from one link to the other, the following is done.
(1). Assuming radio A is the NCS radio, radio A tells radio C to break the retransmit link (setting
FCTN to LD) and to stand by for ERF.
(2). Radio A sends ERF to C; C stores ERF, then changes MODE to .
(3). Radio C has D stand by for FH update.
(4). Radio D sets FCTN to LD and MODE to FH.
(5). Radio C sends ERF to D; D stores ERF.
(6). Radio C returns MODE to FH and FCTN to RXMT .
(7). Radio D sets MODE to , and has radio B stand by for ERF.
(8). Radio B sets FCTN to LD and MODE to FH.
(9). Radio D sends ERF to radio B; B stores ERF.
(10). Radio D sets FCTN to RXMT to retransmit from A to B on a new hopset.
In performing retransmission operations, SINCGARS operators may be required to send ERFs. The procedure is
the same as that used by the NCS for net opening.
It consists of the following steps:
a. Use either radio C or D and set its FCTN switch to LD, MODE switch to FH-M, and PRESET switch to MAN.
b. Alert receiving stations to stand by to receive an ERF.
c. Press LOAD(H-Ld) key.
d. Press Preset position where RXMT net FH data is stored.
e. Press ERF(SEnd).
f. Allow time for receiving stations to store ERF, then check communications.
When your aircraft is equipped with a Data Rate Adapter (DRA) (CV-3885/ARC-201(V)), the Airborne SINCGARS
radio may be used with data equipment such as TACFIRE. The Airborne radio is capable of handling data trans-
missions in either SC or FH mode, and the KY-58 may be ON or OFF. The transmitting and receiving stations
must, of course, have the same set-up for communications to succeed. The following graphic depicts a typical
arrangement for use of Airborne SINCGARS with TACFIRE.
bulletin for guidance regarding the specific item of data
The operator should consult the appropriate technical
equipment used.