| TM 11-5821-285-12-1
Table 3-4. Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-1167/ARC-164, Indicators and Connectors (fig. 3-4)
Hundredths frequency selector switch.
Selects 100's digit of frequency (either 2 or 3) in MHz.
Tens frequency selector switch.
Selects 10's digit of frequency (0 through 9) in MHz.
Units frequency selector switch.
Selects units digit of frequency (O through 9) in MHz.
Tenths frequency selector switch.
Selects tenths digit of frequency (O through 9) in MHz.
Hundredths and thousandths frequency selector switch.
Selects hundredths and thousandths digits of frequency (00, 25,
50, or 75) in MHz.
Present channel selector switch.
Selects one of 20 preset channels.
Selects method of frequency selection:
MANUAL-Any one of 7, 000 frequencies is manually selected
using the five frequency selector switches.
PRESET-Frequency is selected using the preset channel
selector switch for selecting any one of 20 preset channels.
GUARD-Main receiver and transmitter are automatically tuned to
guard frequency and guard receiver is disabled.
SQUELCH switch.
Enables or disables squelch of main receiver.
VOL control.
Adjust audio level.
TONE switch.
Enables transmission of a 1020-Hz tone on selected frequency.
(Tone-modulated signal may be used to check out radio set and
isolate faulty microphone circuitry.)
Function selector switch.
Selects operating function:
OFF--Removes power from radio set.
MAIN-Enables main receiver and transmitter.
BOTH-Enables main receiver, transmitter, and guard receiver.
ADF-Enables ADF or homing system (if installed) and main
BW switch (NB-WB).
Selects wideband or narrow-band selectivity of main receiver.
SQ-MN control.
Adjust threshold level of squelch for main receiver.
SQ-GD control.
Adjusts threshold level of squelch for guard receiver.
PRESET switch.
Stores selected frequency in selected preset channel.
Fuse (F 1).
28 vdc input line (SA). (A spare fuse is stored in back of RT.)
Antenna connector (J2).
Connects radio set to suitable antenna.
Fuse (F2).
27 vdc output line (1A) (not used with RT-1167/ARC-164(V)
Electrical connector.
Connects radio set to existing control lines.
Auxiliary connector (J3).
Used for testing of radio set and dual control operation.
(Requires additional equipment not supplied-not used in
normal console operations.)
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