| ![]() TM 11-5821-285-12-1
ment. Let us know why you don't like the design. Tell us
1-3. Maintenance Forms, Records, and Reports
why a procedure is hard to perform. Put it on an SF 368
Reports of Maintenance and Unsatisfactory
(Quality Deficiency Report). Mail it to Commander, US
Department of the Army forms and
Army Communications- Electronics Command and Fort
procedures used for equipment maintenance will be
Monmouth, ATTN: DRSEL-ME-MP, Fort Monmouth,
those prescribed by TM 38-750, The Army Maintenance
New Jersey 07703. We'll send you a reply.
Management System.
b. Report of Packaging and Handling Deficiencies. Fill
out and forward SF 364 (Report of Discrepancy (ROD))
1-5. Administrative Storage
Administrative storage of equipment issued to and used
by Army activities will have preventive maintenance
performed in accordance with the PMCS charts before
c. Discrepancy in Shipment Report (DISREP) (SF
When removing the equipment from
361). Fill out and forward Discrepancy in Shipment
administrative storage the PMCS should be performed to
assure operational readiness.
Report (DISREP) (SF 361) as prescribed in AR 55-
P4610.19C/DLAR 4500.15.
1-6. Destruction of Army Electronics Materiel
Destruction of Army electronics materiel to prevent
1-4. Reporting Equipment Improvement
enemy use shall be in accordance with TM 750-244-2.
Recommendations (EIR) If your equipment needs
improvement, let us know. Send us an EIR. You, the
user, _are the only one who can tell us what you don't
like about your equip-
but frequency selection and encryption control can be
1-7. Purpose and Use
accomplished from only three stations.
a. Purpose .Communications Central AN/ASC-
(2) The VHF-FM links have voice encryption
15A(V)(*) is used to provide tactical commanders with
capabilities if the TSEC/KY-28 security equipment is
air-to-ground command and control communications in a
employed. The UHF-AM link cannot be voice encrypted.
battlefield environment.
In addition, it will provide
(3) Communications Central AN/ASC-15A- (V)(*)
ground-air- ground automatic secure retransmission
converts from the airborne command post mode to the
from an airborne platform.
automatic retransmission mode by changing the
b. Use.
appropriate cable connectors.
Retransmission is
(1) When installed in U-21 type aircraft, UH-1B,
accomplished by using the number 1 VHF-FM and
UH-1D or UH-1H helicopters, Communications Central
number 2 VHF-FM radio sets. Airborne retransmission
AN/ASC-15A(V)(*),configured in the command post
provides ground troops with a single secure or
mode, can be used as a forward area airborne command
nonsecure communications channel to other troops or
and observation post. This mode provides six separate
Airborne retransmission becomes
intercommunications stations. Three of the six stations
necessary any time normal VHF communications are
have control of three separate very high frequency,
blocked or restricted. Some examples of restricted
frequency-modulated (VHF-FM) radio communications
communications during tactical situations are given
links, or two VHF-FM links, and one ultra high frequency,
amplitude-modulated (UHF-AM) link. Each VHF-FM link
(a) Forward area troops desiring to communicate
consists of 920 different selectable channels in the
with rear area headquarters and the distance involved is
frequency range of 30 MHz to 75.95 MHz. The VHF-AM
too great for a reliable channel.
link consists of 7000 different selectable channels in the
(b) Troops in a mountainous terrain desiring to
frequency range of 225 MHz to 399.975 MHz.
communicate with a station blocked by hills or
Intercommunication or link transmission and reception
can be accomplished from all six stations,
(c) Environmental conditions could cause
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