| ![]() TM 11-5820-919-12
4. Connect the black plug of the remaining antenna
1. Attach each dipole antenna wire to the dipole
reel to the GND terminal. Unwind this wire and lay it on
fixture (fig A3-6).
the ground in line with the antenna and in the opposite
2. Determine the length of each leg of the dipole
direction of the antenna support. Unwind the reel until it
from the antenna length chart table A3-1.
is about 1-1/2 times the antenna length and place the
reel on the ground. (When the antenna is completely
3. Connect the coaxial lead-in of the feedline to the
erected, this wire provides a counterpoise.).
BNC connector of the amplifier/coupler. Set ANT SEL
switch to the BNC (middle) position.
5. Throw the lead weighted dacron cord over any
convenient antenna support (such as a tree limb). Then
4. If two antenna supports are available, erect the
fasten the cord reel to the antenna reel. Raise the
antenna as illustrated in figure A3-3. If only one support
antenna and fasten the cord to hold the antenna in place.
is available, use the method shown in figures A3-4 and
A3-5. DIPOLE ANTENNA.. The dipole antenna is the
most effective antenna and, time and tactical
circumstances permitting, should be used in preference
In raising a horizontal dipole, considerable pull
to either the whip or slant wire antenna. A dipole
force may be required to raise a long antenna.
antenna is usually erected between two supports as
It is recommended that no more than about
shown in figure A3-3. Antenna supports are not provided
100 pounds pull be applied to the cords used
with this equipment and it is not always possible to find
to raise it, or the wire may break.
two supports that are properly oriented and spaced. If
only one support is available, or if terrain prohibits, a
5. Try to select supports that will enable the height
one-support dipole (figs. A3-4 and A3-5) should be
of the center of the dipole (sloping horizontal, or inverted)
used. Note that for both the dipole and slant wire
to be 1/3 of the leg length given in table A3-1, but never
antennas, the most effective receiving and transmitting
lower than about 10 feet. For example, at 6.0 MHz, the
direction is broadside, or 900 to the line of the wire.
desired height would be 1/3 x 39' = 13' above ground.
Erect a dipole antenna as follows.
This may not be possible at the lower frequencies so
raise the antenna center as high as available supports
will practically allow.
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