| ![]() TM 11-5820-919-12
ionosphere makes it possible to communicate over great
distances using hf radio transmissions.
This appendix provides information on
propagation of radio wave, in the high frequency hf band
time for a predetermined path length (skip distance there
used by' the radio set. The data and illustrations are
will exist a .Maximum Usable, Frequency,' UF. This
based on average propagation characteristics of various
MILF is the highest frequency, radio wane that all he
hf band segments and indicate relative effectiveness
reflected back to earth in a specified geographical region
during the day and night The are to he used only as a
for that path length. The MUF is a predictable nut,
general guide.
Also discussed are two situation
number and is a available in the form of propagation
examples for optimizing communications.
prediction charts. A sample of a propagation prediction
chart is shown In figure A2-3. The NMUF is highest at
noon or earl, afternoon and drops to its lowest in the
early morning hours. The MUF is lower on short paths
A2-4. Radio waves in the 2 thru 30 MHz region of the
and higher on long paths.
electromagnetic spectrum are propagated in two ways:
the ground wave and the sky wave.
A2-5. GROUND WAVE (Figure A2-1). There are two
selection would be one that is sufficiently close to the
types of ground waves which exist in various magnitudes
MUF to be reflected but not so close that it is affected by
depending on the frequency', type of antenna and terrain
minor changes in ionospheric density. This is around 85
percent of the MUF. (Example: if MUF is 10 MHz,
optimum frequency will be 8.5 x 10 MHz or 8.5 MHz.)
A2-6. Surface Wave. This electromagnetic wave
This frequency is called the Frequency of Optimum
travels directly along the earth's surface and is
Transmission (FOT) and is commonly referred to as the
dependent on the ground conductivity. Because ground
Optimum Traffic Frequency.
conductivity is generally quite poor, unless propagated
over water, this wave is rapidly attenuated.
A2-11. MULTI-SKIP PHENOMENON. There will be
attenuation is particularly pronounced at frequencies
instances when the skywave is reflected between the
greater than 3 MHz making it unreliable for low-power
ionosphere and the earth surface several times. This
communication networks beyond about 10 miles.
multi-skip phenomenon occurs quite frequently making
Although attenuation is greater as frequency increases,
global communications possible in the hf band. In
better efficiency of the whip antenna and a drop in
addition to multi-skip there also exists a multipath
atmospheric noise favor the use of higher frequencies for
propagation characteristic. If this occurs, two waves
links dependent on surface wave.
that took different paths will reach the receiver
simultaneously. Depending on their relative phases, the
A2-7. Direct Wave. This is the "line-of-sight" wave
signal strength will be enhanced or reduced. If the two
which exists at all frequencies. The range of this wave is
waves are of equal amplitude and phase shifted 180
limited by the horizon. The direct wave is utilized most
degrees, total cancellation will result and the received
frequently for short range communication.
signal will fade out. Operating near the FOT will
minimize multipath degradation.
A2-8 SKYWAVE (Figure A2-2). Skywaves (ionospheric
waves) are basically direct waves that have been
A2-12. HF BAND SEGMENTS. The following is a
reflected (skipped) back to earth by the ionosphere. The
breakdown of the hf band and a general description of
ionosphere exists at altitudes between 30 and 300 miles
the behavior of each segment. There will be exceptions
and consists of several layers of ionized gases. These
but the descriptions will hold true in most cases. Figures
gases are ionized by several factors, the primary of
A2-4 and A?-5 show relative
which is ultraviolet radiation; the greater the level of
ionization the more reflective the ionosphere will be. The
ultraviolet radiation level is directly proportional to the
amount of sunspot activity and is predictable with a high
degree of accuracy.
This reflective power of the
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