| ![]() TM
Feature of hopset that precludes use of selected frequencies: also
used to expand the number of frequencies contained in a hopset.
SC frequency and designated channel used for transmission and
Manual channel/frequency
receipt of ERFs during cold start net openings; may also be used
for normal SC channel.
Configuration consisting of RT battery, battery box, antenna,
Manpack radio
handset, and carrying case; carried on the back of the operator for
dismounted operations.
Single designated station per net requiring use of the FH-M mode
Net control station (NCS)
position and performance of net control tasks: assisted and
supported by designated alternate NCS stations as warranted by
operational requirements.
Three-digit number from 000 to 999 designating specific nets
Net identification (ID)
within a given TSK.
All net stations other than the NCS and designated alternate NCSs.
Net members
Feature allowing SC frequencies to be changed by plus of minus
5 or 10 KHz to reduce the effect of enemy jamming or other
Procedure by which TEK may be electronically transmitted from
Over-the-air-rekey (OTAR)
NCS to NCS, or from NCS to net members.
New data mode in which data messages are divided into frames
smaller than 1800 bytes each for processing over SINCGARS
voice/data nets. The packet data mode (PCKT) can be used only
with the FBCB2 hardware and software system.
RT random access memory (RAM) location where data is stored
"Permanent" memory
and used; data in "permanent memory may be retrieved if desired;
retention of data in "permanent" memory depends upon main
power or HUB battery.
Hand-held device providing GPS time for use as sync time
Precision lightweight GPS
in SINCGARS radios.
receiver (PLGR)
Those operator and NCS tasks which are essential to adequate job
Primary tasks
Feature of SINCGARS radio that enables SC or FH traffic to
Retransmission (RXMT)
automatically pass from one RXMT RT to another, thus increasing
the effective range to that of two radios.
Feature of SINCGARS radio that search all SC channels for traffic;
cannot be used in the FH mode of operation.
Procedure by which a TEK may be move from one RT channel to
another; does not apply to key stored in channel 6.
Mode of communication using one designated frequency.
Single channel (SC)
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