| ![]() TM 11-5820-890-10-8
Net member operators designated by the NCS to complete net
Alternate net control station
openings, respond to CUE calls, displace after using SC mode if
appropriate, and take over for NCS when requested.
Hand- held computer used for loading RT with COMSEC, FH data,
Automated net control device
and sync time; also replace paper SOI.
Number read from manpack RT display providing an estimate of
Battery life indicator
battery power used and remaining.
Method of transmitting SOI information from one ANCD to another
using SINCGARS data mode.
RT switch positions in which COMSEC keys and FH data, or single
channel frequencies, may be loaded, stored, and used.
Method of opening a FH net in which each member loads
Cold start net opening
COMSEC and FH data and stands by for receipt of sync time sent
electronically by the NCS.
Traffic Encryption Key (TEK) and Key Encryption Key (KEK)
required for cipher text communications and over-the-air-rekey
SC frequency and designated channel used to contact net NCS
CUE channel/frequency
when caller has non-FH radio or has lost contact with the FH net;
may also be used as normal SC channel.
Use of FH technique to significantly reduce the impacts of
Electronic counter-
enemy jamming and avoid enemy direction finding capabilities.
Method by which an NCS electronically updates FH data of net
Electronic remote fill (ERF)
members and transmits sync time for cold start net openings.
Capabilities of the SINCGARS SIP radio in which forward error
Enhanced data modes
correction, speed, range, and accuracy of data transmission are
materially improved. Four enhanced data rates (1200N, 2400N,
4800N, and 9600N) and two new modes (Packet and RS-232) are
provided by the SIP/ASIP radio. Packet data mode can be used
only with the FBCB2 system.
EXT, an option found under the RCU key of the SIP radio,
External (used with GRM - 122)
represents a future capability of the radio and is not currently used.
ASIP radio is in EXT mode automatically when proper interface and
software is detected. When the radio is set to this mode, the front
panel controls of the RT are disabled, allowing control to be
performed from the peripheral device. Ensure you do not
accidentally select EXT mode. ICOM Radio versions of the
SINCGARS radio having integrated COMSEC but not equipped
with SIP features. Components are identified as RT-1523,
RT-1523A, RT-1523B and AM-7239, AM-7239A, AM -72398.
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