| ![]() TM 11-5820-890-10-8
Jamming and Anti-Jamming Actions
Jamming is the intentional transmission of signals that interrupt your
ability to transmit and receive. Interference is the accidental disruption
of communications by friendly sources. For practical purposes, the
following coverage of jamming includes both situations. Anti-jamming
includes any corrective action taken by the operator to work through
intentional jamming and accidental interference.
If you are being jammed, you may hear strong static, strange noises,
random noise, or no noise or signals at all. If you suspect you are being
jammed, look for one of the specific symptoms shown in the table
Jamming/anti-jamming procedures for SC mode of operations are as
shown in the chart below.
You hear no traffic, and you are not
Your handset could be stuck,
Press PTT several times to free up
transmitting. SIG display is lit and
producing a "hot mike"
mike. If necessary, replace
shows a signal higher than LO.
handset with known good one.
You are being jammed. In SQ
If feasible, try to place an obstacle
OFF, you hear strong static or
between you and the enemy.
Notify your supervisor and, if
random noise. When antenna
appropriate, prepare a MIJI
is disconnected, SIG display
drops and noise disappears or
feeder report.
is reduced.
Your RT is faulty or locked up.
Set RT FCTN to STBY position
With handset and antenna
and then back to SQ ON. If
disconnected, your SIG display
problem continues, contact your
remains lit and above LO.
unit maintenance.
Set RT FCTN to SQ OFF and try
You hear random radio traffic. Your
You are experiencing friendly or
SIG display is lit and shows a
enemy radio interference.
to communicate. Change to a
signal higher than LO.
longer range antenna. If feasible,
try to place an obstacle between
you and the source of
interference. Advise NCS of your
Set RT FCTN to SQ OFF, and you
You may or may not hear any
You are probably experiencing
hear noise or static each time the
enemy sweep jamming.
noise SIG display goes on and off
SIG display lights. If feasible, try
at regular intervals or in random
to place an obstacle between you
and the enemy. Advise NCS of
your problem
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