| ![]() TM 11-5820-882-23/TM 06827A-23/2
Table 2-4. Troubleshooting Procedures--Continued
2-13. General
Maintenance procedures at the organizational level for
Remove rust and corrosion from metal surfaces by
the radio set are limited to cleaning, painting, and
lightly sanding them with fine sandpaper, item 4, App.
replacement of broken external parts (knobs and anten-
na) and battery replacement.
protect from further corrosion, items 3 and 7, App. C.
Refer to SB 11-573 and 43-0118.
2-14. Cleaning
2-16. Knob Replacement
Inspect the exteriors of the radio set. The exterior sur-
faces should be clean, free from dust, dirt, grease and
The three knobs on the radio set are held onto their
shafts by setscrews. If knob replacement becomes
a. Remove dust and loose dirt with a clean soft
cloth, item 2, App. C.
a. Loosen setscrew with an appropriate wrench.
b. Remove defective knob.
c. Install new knob.
Adequate ventilation should be provided while
d. Tighten setscrews (if knob has two setscrews,
Prolonged breathing of vapor should be avoid-
tighten the setscrew that engages the flatted shaft first).
ed. The solvent should not be used near heat or
2-17. Antenna Replacement
open flame; the products of decomposition are
toxic and irritating. Since TRICHLOROTRI-
Remove damaged antenna from connector by turning
FLUOROETHANE dissolves natural oils,
antenna counterclockwise. Check connector on radio
prolonged contact with skin should be avoid-
set for corrosion or thread damage. Remove and signs
ed. When necessary, use gloves which the sol-
of corrosion. If connector is damaged, refer radio set to
vent cannot penetrate. If the solvent is taken
higher level of maintenance. Insert new antenna into
internally, consult a physician immediately.
connector and hand tighten clockwise.
b. Remove grease, fungus, and ground-in dirt from
2-18. Battery Replacement
the radio set; use a cloth dampened (not wet) with tri-
Remove battery case by unfastening latches on side of
clorotrifluoroethane, item 6, App. C.
radio set case and sliding case off. (Handle case careful-
c. Remove dust or dirt from antenna and audio con-
ly as damaged case will not seal properly). Detach old
nectors with a brush, item 1, App. C.
battery from battery connector and attach new battery
2-15. Touchup Painting Instructions
to connector. Apply a thin coat of silicone grease, item
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