| ![]() TO 31R2-2GRC171-2
TM 11-5820-815-14
NAVELEX 0967-LP-544-5010
Q17, Q16, and Q23 amplify the negative output voltage
from U8 to control base drive to transistor Q20.
voltage. which would be the case if the d/a analog signal
Transistor Q23 also provides base drive through re-
tries to drive the rf filter above 400 MHz, or if the rf filter
sistor R92 to the up frequency enable transistor, Q19,
actually is driven above 400 MHz, the output of U9A
causing it to turn on. Transistor Q20, when turned on,
goes positive to turn on transistor Q24. When on, Q24
provides' voltage to the servo motor (positive voltage to
shunts to ground base drive to transistor Q19. This turns
P1-22). Transistor Q19 provides a ground return for the
Q19 off which opens the motor circuit to prevent the rf
servo motor (P1-Z). Servo amplifier gain maintains
filter from being driven any higher in frequency. In a
approximately 13 V dc across the servo motor to drive
similar manner, if the resulting voltage exceeds the lower
the rf filter toward the higher frequency. As the new
limit voltage, which would be the case if the d/a analog
frequency is approached, the output of U8 goes toward 0
signal tries to drive the rf filter below 225 MHz or if the rf
volt which in turn reduces the base drive to transistors
filter is actually driven below 225 MHz, the output of U9B
Q20 and Q19. At the null, transistors Q20 and Q19 turn
goes negative to turn on transistor Q25. When on, Q25
off to stop the rf filter at the new frequency.
shunts to ground base drive to transistor Q21. This turns
Q21 off which opens the motor circuit to prevent the rf
4-56. When the radio control is set to a lower fre-
filter from being driven any lower in frequency. Through
quency, the d/a analog voltage at the non-inverting input
this circuit action, the rf filter is prevented from being
of U7 becomes negative with respect to the position
driven above 400 MHz (upper end stop) or below 225
feedback voltage at the inverting input of U7. This
MHz (lower end stop).
results in a negative servo error signal to the inverting
input of the servo error amplifier, U8. The resulting
4-58. SERVO FAULT AMPLIFIER. The servo fault
positive output voltage from U8 reverse biases
amplifier (Q14 of figure FO-18) receives inputs from the
transistors Q17 of the up frequency servo drive circuit
servo amplifier through diodes CR17 and CR18 and from
(Q17, Q16, Q23, Q20) and forward biases transistor Q15
the 200- to 219-MHz decoder (U5) through diode CR32
of the down frequency servo drive circuit (Q15. Q22,
and provides at its output a dual-purpose rf filter fault
Q18). When Q15 is forward biased, transistors Q15 and
signal. The fault signal goes to logic 0 to indicate an
Q22 amplify the positive output voltage from U8 to
invalid circuit condition if the radio control frequency is
control base drive to transistor Q18. Transistor Q22 also
set below 220 MHz or if a servo malfunction causes
provides base drive through resistor R101 to the down
voltage to be applied to the servo motor at times other
frequency enable transistor, Q21, causing it to turn on.
than normal tuning. For normal servo operation, the rf
Transistor Q18, when turned on, provides voltage to the
filter fault signal goes to logic 0 to provide a tune-in-
servo motor (positive voltage to P1-Z). Transistor Q21
progress indication whenever the rf filter is in the process
provides a ground return for the servo motor (P1-22).
of being tuned.
The applied voltage to the servo motor drives the rf filter
toward the lower frequency. As the new frequency is
4-59. The circuit operates as follows. Whenever the
approached, the output of U8 goes toward 0 volt which in
radio control frequency is set below 220 MHz, all inputs
turn reduces the base drive to transistors Q18 and Q21.
to the 200- to 219-MHz decoder, U5, become logic 0.
At the null, transistors Q18 and Q21 turn off to stop the rf
This results in a logic 1 output voltage that is applied
filter at the new frequency.
through diode CR32 to the base of servo fault amplifier
transistor Q14 causing it to turn on. When Q14 turns on,
4-57. SERVO AMPLIFIERDISABLE. The servo amp-
the rf filter fault output (P1-3) goes to logic 0 to indicate
lifier disable circuit (U9A, U9B, Q24, Q25 of figure FO-
an invalid circuit condition. If the radio control frequency
18) functions as a double ended limit detector to turn off
is set at 220 MHz or above, the rf filter fault output goes
the servo motor if it tries to run past the end stops of the
to logic 0 whenever the voltage applied to the servo
servo mechanism. Resistor R106 of voltage divider
motor exceeds a threshold (about 7.5 V dc) established
R108-R106-R105 is test selected to set the upper limit
through voltage divider action of diode CR17 or CR18,
voltage applied to the inverting input of U9A
zener diode VR1, and resistors R60, R59, and R61.
(approximately +4.1 V dc). Resistor R107 of voltage
Servo motor voltages greater than the threshold develop
divider R109-R107-R68 is test selected to set the lower
sufficient voltage across R61 to forward bias transistor
limit voltage applied to the inverting input of U9B
Q14 and turn it on. Capacitor C10 and resistors R59 and
(approximately -4.1 V dc). The position feedback signal
R61 form a slow release circuit to hold the filter fault
is applied to the non-inverting inputs of both U9A and
output at logic 0 f or at least 10 milliseconds after the
U9B. Also, the d/a analog signal is applied through
servo motor voltage decreases below the threshold.
resistor R70 to the non-inverting inputs. If the resulting
voltage from these two signals is between the upper and
lower limit voltage, the output of U9A will be negative to
turn off transistor Q24 and the output of U9B will be
4-61. GENERAL. Frequency synthesizer module A2
positive to turn off transistor Q25. If the resulting voltage
utilizes a 2-modulus prescaler form of digital phase-lock
exceeds the upper limit
loop (p11) to generate the transmit frequency to
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