| ![]() TM 11-5820-695-35
(5) Place repaired board under an ultraviolet
(2) Assemble parts on the printed wiring
light and verify that all dirt or other foreign matter has
board making certain that all leads are bent and cut
been removed.
short. Solder parts installed on board.
(6) Vacuum bake the printed wiring board at
a temperature of 180F. for four hours.
All cleaning operations must be done
(7) After baking mask all areas of the printed
under a hood which is ventilated to
wiring board which do not require conformal coating.
the outside.
Protective clothing,
(8) Vacuum clean the printed wiring board
rubber gloves and eye protection
immediately prior to conformal coating application (c
must be worn. Avoid breathing the
vapors and avoid skin contact with
resin or catalyst.
b. Conformal Coating Preparation. To insure that
the characteristics of a minimum weight of 100 grams of
(3) Using a medium stiff nylon brush clean
polyurethane is maintained during preparation of the
the repaired area on the printed wiring board using
coating mixture, preparations should be maintained in
Freon TMC solution. Remove all extraneous materials
accordance with the following chart.
such as solder flux, dust, dirt, or fingerprints.
(4) Using a forced drying method, remove all
traces of solvent or moisture.
Pot life
Parts by
Hysol Corp.
Part A
1 1/2 Hrs.
Part B
-------------------------------- ---- 36
Part A
6 Hrs. -------------------------- 100
Part B
-------------------------------- ---- 60
Conap Inc.
Part A
6 Hrs. -------------------------- 100
Part B
-------------------------------- ---- 70
Essex Chemical
Part A
8 Hrs. -------------------------- 100
Part B
-------------------------------- ---- 39
1. Polyurethane (Part A) must be stored at the temperature specified by the manufacturer. The material
should be free of any film, cloudiness, crystals, or lumps. If the material exhibits any evidence of deterioration,
it should be discarded.
2. Catalyst (Part B) must be stored at the temperature specified by the manufacturer. If the material
exhibits any evidence of deterioration, it should be discarded.
(1) Pot life Is the usable time of the mixture during which viscosity still allow application to the printed
wiring board.
(2) Weight the larger quantity, Part A first, and then add Part B, using a tongue depressor, thoroughly
mix part B into part A.
(3) Place coating solution on a clean air bench and using a stir-master, stir for 16 minutes; then, allow
16 minutes for solvent gal to leave the solution.
c. Conformal Coating Application, Circuit Side.
(2) Place board on a clean surface with circuit
side up.
(1) Coating may be applied by brushing or
spraying. If the spraying method is used, a Zicon Corp.
(3) Application of the coating requires that the
closed system or equivalent should be used.
applier have some degree of skill to assure that a
thorough coverage and uniformity of the coating is
The Zicon Corporation equipment
permits spraying of solventless
(4) Two or three successive layers of coating
100% solid materials. The coating is
may be required to minimize the possibility of pinholes
atomized by a superheated solvent
(which could provide a path for ingress of moisture).
under high about .003 to .050 inches
to be applied by continuous
To maintain a constant level of the
thickness at all times, viscosity of
All spraying operations must be
the coating must be monitored and
performed in a well ventilated area.
closely maintained by gradual
addition of solvents.
Change 6
4-8.1/(4-8.2 blank)
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